ArcoLinux -D -B 18.12

18.12 - December release re-creation of 4 ArcoLinuxB isosplasma challenge continuescreativity in aliasesredesign of Pamac-aursamba is outTLP is outzafiro iconshblock improvedlazuli conkyNEW IN .binufetch-arcogeneral improvementsfuture effortsStay rollingre-creation of...

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ArcoLinux -D -B 18.11

18.11 - November release creation of 2 ArcoLinuxB Minimalsplasma challengearch Linux Gnome tutorialgeneral improvements creation of 2 ArcoLinuxB Minimals We created ArcoLinuxB Mate Minimal and also ArcoLinuxB Awesome Minimal. 7 minimal versions now in total We have...

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ArcoLinux -D -B 18.10

18.10 - October release 2 new websites Analysis of graphical drivers analysis of Calamares analysis of Packages creation of 5 ArcoLinuxB Minimals Mirrorstouch sensitive2 new WEBSITES analysis of graphical drivers All video drivers have...

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ArcoLinux -D -B 18.9

GENERAL NUMBERING HAS CHANGED Numbering of the iso will change and follow the calender format : arcolinux-v18.9.1-... is 2018 September 1st release. We believe it will be easier to follow this way. We will talk about the 18.9 release. Numbering of the packages will...

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ArcoLinux -D -B 6.9

Since this is the last release for the coming months, we do not want to go on holiday before releasing a new iso excluding the openbox-arc-git package. Arc-gtk-theme and Openbox-arc-git   On the same day of the launch there was an update of the Arc-gtk-theme,...

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ArcoLinux-D-B 6.9

GENERAL ArcoLinux wants to get back to our initial goal to stay around 2 Gigabyte as size for the ArcoLinux iso. It is our vision to give you the means to install ANY desktop environment : ArcoLinux - Xfce, Openbox and i3 ArcoLinuxD - with scripts and the ArcoLinuxD...

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ArcoLinux 6.8

GENERAL ArcoLinux wants to get back to our initial goal to stay around 2 Gigabyte as size for the ArcoLinux iso. It is our vision to give you the means to install ANY desktop environment : ArcoLinuxD - with scripts build upon ArcoLinuxD iso ArcoLinuxB - with an iso...

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ArcoLinuxD 6.8

Upgrading Ugrading ArcoLinux or ArcoLinuxD boils down to 2 main actions copy/paste hidden content from /etc/skel to your home directory keep updating with pksyua And sometimes we create a new package. Install it with sudo pacman -S arcolinux-new-package Always check...

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ArcoLinux 6.7

ArcoLinux 6.7.1 Kirk All ArcoLinux packages received an number update to 6.7. Through this number we know the packages are created for the iso ArcoLinux 6.7 or May 2018. ArcoLinux iso : The liveuser is booting into bash rather than zsh. Aliases like pksyu can be used...

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ArcoLinuxD 6.7

ArcoLinuxD 6.7.1 Kirk ArcoLinuxD iso : The liveuser is booting into bash rather than zsh. Aliases like pksyu can be used in the livecd. BYOI - iso improved for users to build their own iso - lightdm ArcoLinuxD scripts Bspwm scripts have been created Awesome scripts...

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ArcoLinux 6.6

THE NAME At the time it seemed not a big task to change names from ArchMerge to ArcoLinux but in retrospect we had quite a big drain in resources because of it. It involves everything till the social media channels, websites etc. But luckily not a financial drain...

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ArcoLinuxD 6.6

THE NAME At the time it seemed not a big task to change names from ArchMerge to ArcoLinux but in retrospect we had quite a big drain in resources because of it. It involves everything till the social media channels, websites etc. But luckily not a financial drain...

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ArchMergeD Kirk Release 6.5

ArchMergeD 6.5 Kirk We provide you after the installation of ArchMergeD with all the help you need to get a fully functional system and during the installation process you are free to change anything you like. You can call fall back on quite a few articles and videos....

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ArchMerge Kirk Release 6.5

ArchMerge 6.5 Kirk   4 Arc Themes and matching Oblogout themes: Punch (dark red) Orchid (pink) Niagara (green) Botticelli (blue) When developing ArchMergeD Awesome we have decided to add Rofi to that tiling windows manager. It can be an easy way to start your...

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ArchMergeD Kirk Release 6.4

We provide you after the installation of ArchMergeD with all the help you need to get a fully functional system and during the installation process you are free to change anything you like. You can call fall back on quite a few articles and videos. Still to be...

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ArchMerge Kirk Release 6.4

Polybar has been launched and added to the long list of ArchMerge packages. achmerge-polybar-git This package contains the latest polybar config for your system. Now primed for i3 and openbox. In the future we will add more desktop environments like bspwm, xmonad,...

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