Improvements concerning all the sites
- consistency in home page
- homepage – gets list of the latest articles
- start here menu is consistently present
- start here is built up as first start guide for the user – begin at top and end at bottom of menu
- there is just one gallery – only on – others have been deleted – webspace reacquired
- choose your project is present on all websites – it is important to see the projects and the websites that support them
We emphasize the two major pages you should visit as a first user of ArcoLinux but also later you can revisit them
The last link – fast-track – is a new page. We will keep improving it over time.
Fast-track = concentrated ArcoLinux and Arch Linux knowledge
The who page has been updated to show the ArcoLinux Team.
Use the listing menu in all our websites to do a quick search or perform a quick overview of the content available.
Download link is more predominant in menu. Request of users.
Download page has a quick download section at top. Request of users.
Download for cheatsheet is present also in sidemenu.
Adding more social media to the sidemenu.
Adding the most important article there is about Calamares.
We have added a privacy policy concerning all our websites.
The ArcoLinuxB beta webpage will not longer be used – stays for the archive links.
Reorganizing of content via menus and categories.
Same structure on ArcoLinux and ArcoLinuxD in our start menu.
New category – pre-installation gathers knowledge you should have before starting out your journey in linux.
New category – post-installation gathers articles concerning the topic “what to do after a clean install”.
Youtube overview – make people aware we use playlists on youtube
We create videos on the demand of our users.
We have created a compact guide to get you started after a clean install.
All the information about dual-booting or more is gathered in the menu.
Bios and UEFI are common questions when installing Linux. If everything is set right, it will function forever.
Superflex is gathering articles that show you how easy it is to install more desktops on your current computer.
Reorganizing of content via menus and categories.
Same structure on ArcoLinux and ArcoLinuxD in our start menu.
New category – pre-installation gathers knowledge you should have before starting out your journey in linux.
New category – post-installation gathers articles concerning the topic “what to do after a clean install”.
We have included also here a link to the superflex articles since it is that important.
Arch Linux installation pages have been updated – nicer look to visually see what is the minimum you should type in your terminal.
Reorganizing of content via menus and categories.
Same structure on ArcoLinux and ArcoLinuxD in our start menu.
Get-started page has been updated.
Goal and vision article has been rewritten. After reading this page you will know the difference between the ArcoLinuxB project and the Carli project.
This website will be revisited at a later stage when the Carli project has more content.