alias gpg-check='gpg2 --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve --verify'

Steps on a non-ArcoLinux system – download the iso, the sha256 and the sha256.sig file and then go to the Downloads folder and open a terminal:

gpg --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 74F5DE85A506BF64

gpg --verify arcolinuxl-...-sha256.sig

your first faqs

How to check the integrity of the medium?

If you want to check if your download is not corrupted in any way, you can do so.

Depending where you download, you will have the sha1, sha256 and md5sum of each iso.

Here is an example from sourceforge. The advantage of Sourceforge is that it provides with a variety of servers over the globe. Choose one that is fast or is close to you.

pgp key: 93D1CCB2B2421F4B1CD0489774F5DE85A506BF64


pgp key: 74F5DE85A506BF64

from Erik Dubois

On Seedhost we will provide a separate file containing the checksums and also a file containing the packagelist of the iso.

Checking the integrity of the file is done for a couple of reasons.

The first is that it guarantees that the file is not corrupt by checking it against the value of sourceforge.

The second is that it guarantees  authenticity and it has not been tampered with by unknown third parties.



If you type these in a terminal, you should get the same numbers as you can find online.

sha1sum arcolinux.....iso
sha256sum arcolinux.....iso
md5sum arcolinux.....iso

On ArcoLinux you can also right click to do a md5 check.


shasum -a 1 arcolinux .....iso
shasum -a 256 arcolinux.....iso
md5 arcolinux.....iso


 Get-FileHash arcolinux.....iso -Algorithm SHA1
 Get-FileHash arcolinux.....iso -Algorithm SHA256
 Get-FileHash arcolinux.....iso -Algorithm MD5

You can also check out this application.

You will boot into the desktop of your choice

There is no issue for the more common desktops.

But working in a tiling window manager can be daunting if it is the first time.

Remember the keyboard shortcut Super + Q  or Super + Shift + Q to quit applications.

Super + x will launch the Arch Linux logout app.

Super + Shift +d will launch an app to choose other applications.

Super + Shift + Enter will launch thunar.

Super + t will launch a terminal.

Ctrl + Alt + t will launch a terminal.

Use the conky (if available) to check out other common keybindings.

How to burn the iso to usb?
Downloading from sourceforge is slow? How to improve that?
If you have a slow connection, you can always choose a nearby server/mirror.


Then choose from what server you would like to download.

How to verify GPG key of official .ISO images

Online solution

First we need to search for the key online and import the key

gpg2 --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve --search-keys 74F5DE85A506BF64


gpg2 --keyserver hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net:443 --search-keys 74F5DE85A506BF64

Choose the correct number – normally 1.

Then check the .sig file (use the current iso number)

gpg --verify arcolinux-v20.1.4.checksum.sig

Local solution for ARcoLINUX

If the keyservers are down or you receive error messages then you import the key from the keyrings folder.

gpg --import /usr/share/pacman/keyrings/arcolinux.gpg

Then check the .sig file (use the current iso number)

gpg --verify arcolinux-v20.1.4.checksum.sig

There is a video available here.

Is there an office suite on the iso?

During installation Calamares will present different possibilities to install different office suites like libreoffice, wps-office.

Find more information about Office suites on Linux.

See here what you can select in Calamares in the latest ArcoLinux.

Calamares fails to install ArcoLinux
What about Nvidia drivers?

During installation Calamares will present different possibilities to install Nvidia drivers.

See here what you can select in Calamares in the latest ArcoLinux.

All our knowledge about Nvidia drivers is shared on the arcolinux website.

How to set your BIOS or UEFI to be able to install Linux?

We have documented on several computers where the settings are.

Everything you need to know about installing linux.

Check out the various articles.

Can you install the linux-lts kernel?

During installation Calamares will present different possibilities to install kernels. It depends on the graphical driver you want to install.

You can install the following kernels:

  • linux
  • linux-lts
  • linux-zen
  • linux-hardened

The other choices depend on the Nvidia driver you want to install.

See here what you can select in Calamares in the latest ArcoLinux.

Is intel-ucode or amd-ucode installed?

During installation Calamares will present different possibilities to install either intel-ucode or amd-ucode.

This refers to your CPU and not your GPU.

If you select both packages, calamares will check if you have an Intel or Amd based pc and remove the package you do not need.

More info about microcode can be found on the Arch Wiki.

See here what you can select in Calamares in the latest ArcoLinux.

What iso should I choose? Still not clear?

Follow the video and you will get more insight about the ArcoLinux project.