ArcoLinux/ArchMerge could not exist without the contribution of the Linux community in general, the Arch Linux distro, the Arch Linux wiki, AUR  maintainers and all the many creative and generous people in above mentioned communities.

We adhere to the Trademark License of Arch Linux stipulated on this article.

Thank you for your work and thank you for sharing all your creations with us.

Jody James, known from the project Revenge OS, was kind enough to give us a kickstart back in ArchLabs beginning 2017 and provided us with a ‘template’ of an (Arch)iso.

ArchIso is the tool to basically make an iso in Arch Linux. Then the ArchLabs team needed to give it its soul if you will. What is the look? What applications? Our thoughts are with you and we hope you are well.

Jesse Avalos is a conky designer, who can make great aesthetic pleasing conkys that are informative at the same time. You can check out his work at Deviant Art.

This link will bring you to his really awesome gallery. He goes by the name of Speedracker there. Conky’s named JA-… are from Jesse Avalos. Thanks for creating and sharing them with us.

Submicron or Fernando Cruz is the designer, who provided many of our coolest wallpapers. Follow him on deviantart. I selected only a few from his awesome collection. Go and see the other creations.
On our first anniversary we received 1GB of wallpapers.

Nixiepro is an conky creator and designer.

Conky’s start with the name NP-…

You can check his most recent work on Deviantart.

Willem O  is sharing his beautiful screenshots and conkys on Google+.

Conky’s start with the name WO-…

You can check out his latest creations there.


Etles Team  is a well know creator of conkys. You can follow him on Google+.

His conkys start with ET-…

Creative people are always interesting to follow. Check out his deviantart gallery. Be amazed. You can also check out the opendesktop website to get more themes.

Zagortnay 333  is sharing his beautiful screenshots and conkys on Deviantart.

Conky’s start with the name Z333-…

You can check out his latest creations there.


Adhi Pambudi is a conky creator and a very creative desktop designer. Loves to tweak his desktops including tiling managers.

His conkys start with AP-…

Check out his latest creations on Google+ and on Deviantart.

Some of the conkys from the Aureola conky collection have been added.
They are coming from the github of Erik Dubois.
Conky’s start with the name AUR-…

All the plank themes we currently have come from his github.

Alejandro Camarena is the creator from the Halo icons that were included in the iso.

You can follow his work on Google+ and here is his github.

Duncan Pringle is superb in creating Openbox themes and creating awesome screenshots for openbox in particular but also others desktop environments.

You can check out his latest creations on Google+ and get some inspiration. Many of the openbox themes we have are from his hand. You can find more themes on his github.

Smoke King created many of the Openbox themes and is one of the developers in the ArchLabs project.

You can follow his work on Google+.

Ivar Roode aka zver43 on discord has been supporting ArcoLinux with his knowledge and time for a while now. He is also the creator of the medallion logos of ArcoLinux.

Ferenc Deak was part of our core team for some months and developed and improved out Tiling Window Managers.

Nick Petrov was a valued member of ArcoLinux for many years. He was the mastermind behind Awesome and Xmonad desktops. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

Ray Vermey has been a member and later a coremember for almost a year. We are thankful for all his work, friendship and new ideas and saddened to see him leave our team. We wish him all the best.

If I have missed some of our contributors then please accept my apologies already.
No ill will intended.
Contact me via this website to get in touch again and we will add you to the list.