ArcoLinuxL and ArcoLinuxS see the daylight

ArcoLinux iso – the flagship – will keep all its software but no longer contains Openbox and i3wm. You can select Openbox or i3wm in Calamares if you want them. This iso has been renamed to ArcoLinuxL. XL as in extra large. All the software we need to develop our project, is on that iso. Xfce4 as default desktop.

ArcoLinux iso becomes ArcoLinuxL iso

We created a stripped down version of ArcoLinux iso (no Openbox and no i3wm but also no software). You can select Openbox or i3wm in Calamares if you want them. You can select the software you like in Calamares. We named this NEW ISO ArcoLinuxS. XS as in extra small. Xfce4 as default desktop.

If ArcoLinuxL is our flagship then ArcoLinuxS is our ship.

ArcoLinuxD is unchanged. It has no dekstop, no software. You can select in Calamares what you want.

ArcoLinuxB is unchanged. You build your own iso with our scripts. Add software or remove software from the list and build the iso yourself.


ArcoLinux iso is now called ArcoLinuxL iso. Xtra Large. Lots of sofware.

There is a smaller iso of ArcoLinux iso called ArcoLinuxS. Xtra Small. No software.

Rest stays the same – ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB.

Unreadable ?
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