Calamares config improved for ArcoLinuxD
We have created a new Calamares config to have a more complete ArcoLinux Desktop after installation.
Calamares update
We are using Calamares 3.2.23 now. More info here.
Calamares update
We are using Calamares 3.2.23 now. More info here.
ArcoLinux welcome
In the backend the Arch Linux mirrors have been updated in the live environment IF you are connected to the internet via LAN.
If you are working via WIFI, you now have the option to update the Arch Linux mirrors after you are connected to your wireless. Remember there is the command “nmtui” as well to connect via terminal.
ArcoLinuxD scripts on github updated
- more freedom
- less ArcoLinux packages on final ssd or harddisk
- remove the last 8 ArcoLinux packages and you have an Arch Linux system
- scripts provide a minimum of applications
- feel of Arch Linux after script 100
- feel of Arco Linux after script 500 & 600
When you only run script 100 you will get a minimal installation of the desktop from Arch Linux.
When you install scripts 500 and 600 you will get the look and feel as intended by ArcoLinux.
It is like a before and after image
Packages list changes
Renaming refind-efi to refind.
Removed from ArcoLinuxD iso and added to Calamares
- lshw
- dmidecode
- xdo
- xdotool
- arcolinux-logout-git
- arcolinux-local-xfce4-git
- arcolinux-tweak-tool-git
- gmrun
- feh
- archiso
Extra packages in Calamares
- vim-plugins
- simplescreenrecorder
- arcolinux-termite-themes-git
ArcoLinuxD – changes in the package list
We have added the following packages by default to the iso
- xdg-user-dirs – users have folders like documents, download and video at startup
- bibata-cursor-theme is standard on the iso – so no longer in Calamares as a choice
- urxvt-perls
- urxvt-resize-font-git
We have removed the following packages from the ArcoLinuxD iso:
- firefox – ArcoLinuxB Welcome App buttons will not work
- meld
- breeze – and all its dependencies
- breeze-icons
- sublime-text-dev
- the_platinum_searcher-bin
- python-qt
Resulting in a very bare iso if you do not install any packages from Calamares installer.
ArcoLinuxD is now the most minimal iso you can have
Completely new Calamares installer for ArcoLinuxD
Choose your applications in an orderly fashion.
Every screen will organize the packages logically.
- hardware related
- services related
- display managers
- choose your desktop
- communication software
- development software
- office software
- multimedia software
- internet software
- theming software
- games software
- utilities software
- multiple categories
- software for ArcoLinux developers and betatesters
We have added the following packages by default to the iso
- feh (often sets wallpapers in twms)
- bibata-cursor-theme is standard on the iso – so no longer in Calamares as a choice
We have added the following packages in the Calamares list as a choice
- arcolinux-wallpapers-git has been added to the display managers to have a nice wallpaper and/or display manager background.
- dmenu for all twms
- more fonts to choose from – some of them are used by the conkies
- ttf-roboto
- ttf-hack
- ttf-font-awesome
- ttf-fira-code
- ttf-droid
- awesome-terminal-fonts
We have added the following packages
- polkit-gnome (for ArcoLinux Tweak Tool)
Even less packages and left-overs from live session
We created a separate package for the live session in ArcoLinuxD and all the ArcoLinuxBs.
You will have a cleaner installation after reboot.
Users that will install SDDM lateron will not not have to enable sddm service with force. The link to lightdm is not present anymore after installation.
When all the settings from our live setup (Xfce4) are gone, we can enjoy the Xfce look as if was after a clean install of Arch Linux.
ArcoLinuxD follows development ArcoLinux
ArcoLinuxD follows numbering and calamares development of ArcoLinux
ArcoLinuxD follows development ArcoLinux
ArcoLinuxD follows numbering and calamares development of ArcoLinux
Calamares and choose what to install
We have eliminated the nvidia module from calamares and went completely for the netinstall module to install
- linux lts kernel
- nvidia with linux kernel
- nvidia with linux-lts kernel
- nvidia 390xx with linux kernel
- nvidia 390xx with linux-lts kernel
- libreoffice still
- libreoffice fresh
- WPS Office
No internet – No packages installed