We follow the numbering and archiso changes of ArcoLinux.
New arcolinux package – arcolinux-system-config-git
We would like to place more elements that are currently on the arcolinuxd-iso in this package so we can manage them better from remote and push the necessary updates to the users via pacman.
To keep rolling we have a new script in ~/bin/stay-rolling/18.11-to-18.12.
You can check what we removed from the iso in the package arcolinux-system-config-git on the github.
comparison between arcolinux:
We have copied the improvements of the iso over to ArcoLinuxD. Check out the other page for more details.
Update Arch Linux packages:
We follow the numbering of ArcoLinux. More info on the ArcoLinux Beta page.
Arch Linux Gnome:
We created a new tutorial how to install Gnome on Arch Linux. You can install package per package or use/reuse the scripts from ArcoLinuxD.
We have also improved the scripts to ‘get the spices from ArcoLinux‘ after a clean install of Arch Linux.
A new tutorial is in place to get yay and trizen instead of yaourt to have an AUR helper.
Arch Way folder on all ArcoLinuxD githubs has an improved script to add keys and ArcoLinux repositories to your Arch Linux system.
ISO Improvements:
Calamares reverted back to initial setting after trying settings to help out people behind a proxy.
Xfce4-panel-preferences has been added to Xfce4.
Arcolinux-mirrorlist-git has been added to ALL githubs.
ArcoLinuxD will also have a new mirrorlist and pacman.conf — see the post of ArcoLinux.
.bashrc has 3 new aliases like ArcoLinux — see the post of ArcoLinux.
New packages
- xf86-input-elographics
Removed packages
- xf86-video-dummy
- xf86-video-voodoo
- xf86-video-sisusb
- libva-intel-driver
- libva-vdpau-driver
- mesa-vdpau
Group packages
xfce4 and xfce4-goodies have been replaced with a long list of their packages. Users (read ArcoLinuxB builders) can choose what application to include or not.
The ones with a hashtag are not installed anymore on the iso.
So even less applications on ArcoLinux.
The idea to take a look at this came from our ArcoLinuxB Xfce Minimal, ArcoLinuxB Openbox Minimal and ArcoLinuxB i3 Minimal. We experimented with all the needed packages and all that knowledge is now in the ArcoLinux iso as well.
#xfce4 also for ArcoLinuxB iso builds
#xfce4 group content
#xfce4-goodies group content
- ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB building script will move the iso to your home directory in either
- ArcoLinux-Out
- ArcoLinuxD-Out
- ArcoLinuxB-Out
- Making sure that polkit permissions are set correctly
ArcoLinuxD scripts have been changed not to use yaourt as primary helper. After contacting the Aur developers we have chose to go with yay as primary installer and trizen as secondary. Other Aur helpers are still available. The scripts are build to be flexible.
i3 config gets 3 new shortcuts. The Enter button from a separate numeric keypad will also launch thunar or termite.
bspwm config gets 3 new shortcuts. The Enter button from a separate numeric keypad will also launch thunar or termite.
We use yay now as AUR helper instead of yaourt. Hundreds of scripts have been updated to reflect that change.
.bashrc file has been changed to reflect this move to yay helper.
Pksyua is still our command to update everything.
We will launch now :
yay -Syu –noconfirm
when we type pksyua.
Updated Packages:
Removed Packages:
Root was set to use zsh. We have given root the bash shell.
Updated Packages:
Removed Packages:
Set /etc/sudoers.d folder permissions correct as package builders want it.
Updated Packages:
Removed Packages:
We stopped naming our isos. No Kirk or Spock. We will release monthly updates with the new naming convention.
ArcoLinux-18.9.1 = year 2018 month 9 aka September version 1 – release in middle of month the 15th
Better font resolution for I3.
New calamares installer
Updated Packages:
Removed Packages:
packages currently in third party repo:
- discord
- dropbox
- insync
- spotify
Improved applications
Yay added to the packages list – evaluating this AUR helper – gives the ability to download missing keys!!
No vmware resolution 1920×1080 set in order to avoid issues with some users with different resolution
Current applications in third party REPO
Mid July 2018 we got updates in for libc++. These packages have a long build time. To avoid long build times for us and all our users we have a new repo were we can host packages that take a while to build. Build time goes down from 30 minutes to 30 seconds.
Improved applications:
- Archiso releng update and build update
Current applications in third party REPO
Mid July 2018 we got updates in for libc++. These packages have a long build time. To avoid long build times for us and all our users we have a new repo were we can host packages that take a while to build. Build time goes down from 30 minutes to 30 seconds.
Improved applications:
- comparing with ArcoLinux – packages.x86_64
Improved applications:
- arcolinuxd-calamares-git
New images to make the difference between ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB.
Installed applications:
- arcolinux-neofetch-git
- neofetch
When we login we can see instantly some data about our system.
Uninstalled applications:
Arch Linux has moved an application out of the standard Arch repositories to AUR
- speedtouch
Installed applications:
For the project ArcoLinuxB we created several new packages
- arcolinux-config-gnome-git
- arcolinux-config-plasma-git
- arcolinux-config-cinnamon-git
- arcolinux-oblogout-awesome
- arcolinux-oblogout-bspwm
and all calamares packages that come with it to give it a personal touch.
They will be hashtagged out in packages.both. You will install them with the scripts.
ArcoLinuxD iso :
- Calamares configuration is now in a separate package/github.
ArcoLinuxD iso :
- The liveuser can now log off an log back in. Interesting on ArcoLinux NOT on ArcoLinuxD
- bashrc was updated to include a local .bin folder
- xf86-video-nouveau is no longer included – issue with xorg-server and not being able to login to xfce
ArcoLinuxD scripts
- no extra desktops created
ArcoLinuxD iso :
- The liveuser is booting into bash rather than zsh. Aliases like pksyu can be used in the livecd.
- BYOI – iso improved for users to build their own iso – lightdm
ArcoLinuxD scripts
- Bspwm scripts have been created
- Awesome scripts have been updated + new theme has been added (compton to xrender)
Development of this windows tiling manager has been finished. Tutorials will be created in the near future.
Awesome – new theme – multicolor
ArcoLinuxD iso:
code realignment
ArcoLinuxD iso:
better scripts for BYOI
cleanup packages.both
modules i915 and nouveau added to mkinitcpio
added asciinema – support for users
Changed every instance of ArchMergeD to ArcoLinuxD…
easier installation script for BYOI
Calamares updated with new images for all desktops
Double “Linux” text when booting is fixed
trizen added to the packages
Development of ArchMergeD Gnome
Many articles and videos have been created to help you start with a great setup of Gnome.
You can find all Gnome related articles here.
Development of ArchMergeD Awesome
Development of Awesome is in its final stage. After the launch of 6.5.1 we will make the tutorials and articles of this amazing tiling window manager based on lua.
When developing ArchMergeD Awesome we have decided to add Rofi to that tiling windows manager. It can be an easy way to start your application. As a result Rofi has been added to the iso of ArchMerge. We can use rofi only in i3 and openbox and not in xfce. Next month we will create Arc Rofi themes that will match our Arc themes. The Rofi themes, you will receive now, are the standard ones from Rofi.
Rofi keyboard shortcuts have been added
- CTRL + ALT + R = rofi-theme-selector
- Super + F11 = full-sceen rofi application selector
- Super + F12 = smaller screen rofi application selector
- added smb.conf for ease of comfort – just config
- xfce background gone in live cd
- bigger font in calamares
Sardi and Surfn got a major update. More icons, spring clean in the svg code and Sardi Ghost Flexible is back in for Arch based distros. Read more about Sardi here.
Since we do a lot of testing on our ArchMergeD desktops it is often necessary to quickly do a clean install to help someone on the forum. Included as of now the Arc theme , Sardi icons and breeze cursor in order to speed up the search/inquiry and have a ‘functional desktop‘ without running all the ArchMergeD scripts. Deleting these packages can always be done without issues with pacman -R.
Boost your system
While testing ArchMergeD desktops we were developing a script to make sure that all cores of our processor are involved in the building and compressing task for applications coming from the AUR.
Added script “000-use-all-cores-makepkg-conf-vx.sh” to speed up compiling your applications from AUR in ~/.config/openbox/scripts. You can find more info about this in this article.
ArchMergeD users will find it on the github.
- polkit directory – permissions corrected
- new calamares – solving hardware clock error
- newer versions of applications and kernel
Following the iso of ArchMerge
- newer versions of applications and kernel
- new calamares logo
- pacman.conf – repo-testing added
- pacaur is abandoned – orphan
- Move to a bigger SSD to build isos
- Changes in the scripts how to make an iso
- archmerge-keyring
- shopt -s dotglob
- Video support packages shortlist.
- scripts improved
- touchpad support via libinput
- installation script improved
- Calamares has been updated and themed with new images
- created a separate ArchMerge termite themes packages (themes folder gone)
- typos out of calamares
- pictures of various desktop possibilities in calamares
- calamares shows keyboard layout
- getty service error solved
Extra software
- gparted
- noto-fonts
- bashrc – new alias
- reflector service – weekly mirror check
- root files – bashrc primed
- alias for mirror=mirrors
- root files – bashrc primed
- touchpad config
Bringing up to speed with ArchMerge iso 6.0.7
- touchpad config
- calamaris user config
Software that will be installed
- xorg
- network + wireless
- mousepad
- mirror alias
- reflector
- git
- termite
- bash-completion
- dmidecode
- laptop-detect
- mlocate
- pacaur
- packer
- yaourt
No desktop environments, filemanagers, themes, icons and so.
The idea is to make scripts and put them on github to be used later for a clean install. Reusable for Phase 4.