Less is more
ArcoLinuxB isos are NOT affected with the less is more idea we have done on ArcoLinux.
Less icons and less themes.
We have the notion there to have either
- Full iso
- Minimal iso
- Bare iso
Herbstluftwm keyboard shortcut
Double use of reloading keys of sxhkd – one key in sxhkd.conf
Standard wallpaper
We have tried to standardize the use of the standard wallpaper across all desktop systems.
Standard reference is /usr/share/backgrounds/arcolinux/arco-wallpaper.jgp.
In the future we change that wallpaper and all isos will take over the new wallpaper.
Renaming of packages – consistency
Renaming of repository packages
Old Name | New Name |
arcolinux-config-xmobar-git | arcolinux-xmobar-git |
arcolinux-openbox-configs-git | arcolinux-openbox-git |
More configuration packages for current and future desktops
We are talking about packages that will add configs and settings inside your future .config folder
- arcolinux-config-awesome-git
- arcolinux-config-bspwm-git
- arcolinux-config-dwm-git
- arcolinux-config-enlightenment-git
- arcolinux-config-herbstluftwm-git
- arcolinux-config-i3-git
- arcolinux-config-jwm-git
- arcolinux-config-openbox-git
- arcolinux-config-qtile-git
- arcolinux-config-xfce-git
As a result all ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB scripts need to change.
Jump in calamares version from 3.2.10 to 3.2.15
Thanks to the great support of the Calamares team and Adriaan in particular we can now use the calamares application to get our vmlinux-linux kernel on the iso. This extra functionality is there for any Arch Linux distro out there.
The unpack module of Calamares has been changed so that ArcoLinux can use it to get the linux kernel at the right place, at the right time with the right name.
Changing calamares and its configuration has a huge impact (read workload) on ArcoLinux. At least 34 packages get changed by it.
Want to read more about this Calamares release and the previous ones?
Applications that have been added
- ttf-hack
Applications that have been dropped
- terminus-font
- temps
- font-manager
- xterm
xfce4-terminal as dropdown on XFCE4
F12 is the keyboard shortcut that sets this terminal.
Change from base group to base meta-package
Following packages are no longer installed
- dhpcd
- jfsutils
- python-attrs
- reiserfsprogs
- s-nail
Budgie and Gnome shared the same config package as they rely on each other.
We have split the config in 2 packages
- arcolinux-config-gnome-git
- arcolinux-config-budgie-git
To keep rolling on Budgie you must unstall arcolinux-config-gnome-git with
sudo pacman -R arcolinux-config-gnome-git
and install this one
sudo pacman -S arcolinux-config-budgie-git
Then do a skel to get the new date in your home directory and restart your engine or logout.
But there is a catch – the dconf file.
We explain it in the video.
Herbstluftwm has been been created and build.
Scripts for ArcoLinuxD and scripts for ArcoLinuxB Herbstluftwm have been created.
Next up is tutorials.
ArcoLinuxB is intended to be build by the end-user
We urge you to build your isos yourself via the tutorials on https://arcolinuxb.com and make the iso the way you want it.
If you want to download, you can download the version of
July 2019 and update the system after reboot
ArcoLinuxB Beta Editions 2019-2
ArcoLinuxB Beta Editions 2019-1
ArcoLinuxB Beta Editions 2018