ArcoLinux v23.05

Discord server and forum functionality

It does not replace our in any way.

Discord developed another way to show posts and we are trying it out.

May we ask you to follow the post guidelines.

Give us as much information as possible.
What hardware are you on? Type “probe” in your terminal and provide us with the link.
What iso are you on? – Type “iso” in a terminal.
What desktop are you on? – Type “neofetch” in a terminal
What application are we talking about? – Full name in pacman or yay/paru
Are you using the ArcoLinux configs or did you change something?

ATT or ArchLinux Tweak Tool

Thanks to the time and effort of Fennec we can now have sliders in the ATT.
Users with a lower resolution (read small laptops) can now scroll down to the bottom.

ATT can also cope now with users starting their desktop from TTY and not SDDM or Lightdm for example.

Furthermore, the ATT is working on Wayland.

We have added the following code to ATT:

  • compatibility with Wayland aka Hyprland and Sway
  • extra mirror from Accum Sweden
  • extra mirror from Brazil – feedback please before we add it to the ATT
  • parallel downloads in /etc/pacman.conf is now read from the file
  • support for BigLinux – Artix
    • grub theming
    • installation desktops


Hyprland development continues on the devs side and on our side.

Our hyprland-dev is now interchangeable with any other Hyprland app coming from the AUR. The pkgbuild dependencies are now KISS, which means we need to add all the dependencies to the iso.

Our arcolinux-hyprland-git has been revised due to the update from 0.22 to 0.23. We are now actually following the git code and no longer a release number on their github.

We communicated on all possible channels of the danger that an update/upgrade can cause and made a playlist to explain what to do.

Later we created new isos with those new packages so you can do a clean install without the need for knowledge how to update/upgrade.

The ArcoLinuxB Hyprland iso has also been improved so that we can now install Hyprland on a newer Nvidia graphical card that needs nvidia-dkms.

Not all apps will work but I guess we are used to that on Wayland.


Our sway-dev app is now interchangeable with any other Sway app coming from the AUR. The pkgbuild dependencies are now KISS, which means we need to add all the dependencies to the iso.

The ArcoLinuxB Sway iso has also been improved so that we can now install Sway on a newer Nvidia graphical card that needs nvidia-dkms.

Not all apps will work but I guess we are used to that on Wayland.


Our ArcoLinuxD iso can now install Hyprland and Sway on Nvidia cards – changes will be applied automatically.

Only for the Nvidia cards that use nvidia-dkms.

Only on real metal.

Without mixing Hyprland with Sway.

Without mixing X11 with Wayland desktops.

ArcoLinuxD is not for a starter in Linux

Calamares has changed to follow the changes in PKGBUILD of the packages.

Hyprland apps can be interchanged.

ArcoLinuxB Hyprland or Sway will always be more functional than the D version.

Update Calamares on ALCI – moving from 3.2.61 to 3.3

ArcoLinux, Carli and now also Alci have ALL moved to the 3.3 branch of Calamares.

There has not been any release for 8 months. Using the last git code but a lot has to change.

Look over my shoulder what steps I take.

Update Calamares configs

We are using the code of Calamares until the 1st of April 23.

The following packages have been removed:

  • epdfview
  • mintstick-bin

The following packages have been added:

  • adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
  • adobe-source-serif-fonts

Removed some double mentions of packages like spotify in video tab.

Hyprland and Sway will not have the choice to install more X11 desktops.

It is advisable not to mix an X11 desktop and a Wayland desktop.

Promoting one desktop with one twm

Why not learn about one Tiling Window Manager next to your default Desktop Manager?

Plasma and Leftwm

ARISER is there for the complex requirements

A user on Telegram asked the following question

Can I have an EFI system with systemd-boot and BTRFS partitioning with encryption?

The more complex your wishes are … the more likely the Linux installers can not accommodate you.

So rely on the ALIS scripts.

There are many variables to change in the ALIS scripts. You decide something else if you want.


Openbox has been improved with Sams merge request. Dragging a full screen window will resize itself.

We took the opportunity to change the default tint2 theme from a white bar to a black bar.

More detailed information can be found in the
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.