ArcoLinux v22.10

Why choose ArcoLinux – 3.000 videos online

Because of our 3.000 th video we have made a news video to talk about our ArcoLinux university.

What is this project about?

Why choose ArcoLinux?

What can I achieve over time?


We have added the

  • xanmod
  • xanmod-lts
  • xanmod-edge

kernels to our ArcoLinux repos.

Test them if you like.



Error in code made the ~/.config/qtile folder for example have root permissions and not user permissions. This is now fixed.

Manually solved with “chown -R username:username folder” or right-mouse-click with thunar.



New Glibc package results in wrong locales in Calamares. Using older version to counteract the issue.



Thanks you etrigan63 for sharing your work with us



We have added a Pacman hook to run mkinitcpio after an update of dkms. Nvidia powered machines + xanmod kernel ended in a grub that did not boot.



We follow the code that the project Dusk releases and keep our own ArcoLinux identity simultaneously.

All keyboard shortcuts of ArcoLinux are there.


We have seen our share of issues with the update of grub coming from Arch Linux.

We solved the issue first by downgrading the grub package. Later we made a pacman hook to ensure that only the UEFI computers reinstalled grub.

This problem should be in the past now.

We have created an alias for any future issues: install-grub-efi


We are using the last archiso update.


what is new

How to stay rolling

We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.

How to update any ArcoLinux or how to stay rolling

geoip service is Working again
Future will tell us for how long

More detailed information can be found in theĀ 
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.