Introduction of Core releases
Starting April 2022 we release in between the “big” releases the core releases as a service.
What is a core release?
- ArcoLinuxL iso
- ArcoLinuxD iso
- ArcoLinuxS iso
- ArcoLinuxS Lts iso
Next releases will be in the beginning of every month.
Work and life permitting we aim for the 1st, 2nd or 3th of the month. As usual we will communicate about it on our channels.
LEFTWM – kittycafe themes
Carlos provided us with two new themes for Leftwm. One for single monitor and one for dual monitor.
Check out his settings in the picom.conf file that make the appearance so unique. Not all hardware can cope with “advanced” settings. So beware.
Any questions you may have will be answered in the readme.
We have created a new Calamares v3.2.53 for Carli and made the build scripts easier.
The Carli key and mirrorlist will be imported automatically with scripts 30 and 40.
AA iso
The AA iso is a joint project. We create an Arch Linux with the Alis scripts and go from there.
the aim is simplicity and speed
We updated the package Hblock. It was still using termite to launch the .desktop file.
Since Termite is end-of-life cycle we are not using this application anymore in Hblock.
Leftwm – new theme – Arise
We adapted the theme Ascent to our liking and made it functional. It has to work without fault on ArcoLinux. We renamed it Arise.
We will keep making more videos about Fish.
As our knowledge grows we will make videos and give tips and tricks.
We created our own arcolinux-pamac-all because of issues with the AUR package.
ArcoLinux servers
ArcoLinux now has three servers that are always up-to-date at any time of the day and two more mirrors (South-Korea and Singapore).
what is new
How to stay rolling
We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.
Full package list
The full package list of the latest isos can always be found on github at this address :
ArcoLinux : https://github.com/arcolinux/arcolinux-iso/blob/master/archiso/packages.x86_64
ArcoLinuxD : https://github.com/arcolinux/arcolinuxd-iso/blob/master/archiso/packages.x86_64
More detailed information can be found in theĀ
beta links in the arcolinux.info menu
and of course in the commits
On github.