We have created more tutorials for the Carli project.
Customized ARch Linux Iso
We switched desktop – from Plasma to Xfce4.
We changed building scripts – date in iso name.
We added a grub theme.
We added pulsewire instead of pulseaudio.
We created a new look for Carli Xfce4.

We have created a new iso based on the hardened linux kernel. It will have a Plasma desktop.
- Alci iso – no desktop – linux
- Alci iso pure – no desktop – linux
- Alci iso dev – xfce4 – linux
- Alci iso zen – cinnamon – linux -zen
- Alci iso lts – mate – linux-lts
- Alci iso hardened – plasma – linux-hardened
Alci iso hardened is new – plasma
Alci iso zen – xfce4 changed into cinnamon
Display Managers
We have support for all these display managers or login managers, each with a nice theme to go with it.
- sddm – many themes
- lightdm – slickgreeter theme
- gdm – default looks awesome
- lxdm – minimalo theme
- ly – terminal look is great
Display Manager Lxdm and minimalo
We have created an easy script to move to Lxdm Minimalo theme.
Display Manager lightdm and slickgreeter
We have created a script to go to Slickgreeter the easy way.
new display manager ly
Ly is a new display manager like gdm, lxdm, sddm and lightdm.
It is minimal by nature and has a terminal interface.
Consider Ly to be experimental
have fun with it
You can select Ly in Calamares.
Adding two files about the Calamares installation in your /var/log folder.
- Calamares.log
- Calamares-install.json
More apps and a nice overview of ArcoLinux projects
- graphite-gtk-theme-git
- anjuta
- arduino
- bluefish
- codeblocks
- glade
- kde-dev-utils
- netbeans
- qt5-tools
- qtcreator
- aisleriot
- mario0
- gammy
- acpilight
- brightnessctl
- light
- arcolinux-meta-steam-amd
- arcolinux-meta-steam-intel
- arcolinux-meta-steam-nvidia
- sweet-theme-git
- sweet-gtk-theme-dark
- fancontrol-gui-git
- sardi-icons (many choices)
In between iso releases we keep adding packages to our repo. These new packages can be selected from the iso.
- gnome-systemtools
- qtwebflix-git
- powerpill
- pikaur-git
- pacback
- ookla-speedtest-bin
- trizen
- yt-dlp
These packages are always included – for transparancy reasons added to Calamares
- paru-bin
- yay-bin
- flatpak
- pamac-all
- snapd
- tlp
Choose Nvidia at boot time and see the Nvidia tab in Calamares.
Choose opensource or nomodeset and theNvidia tab will not be there.
More NVME support
A bug was submitted on the Arch Linux bug website to improve boot up and installation on nvme hardware.
Trim functionality is not installed by default.
Enable it if you want it.
sudo systemctl enable fstrim.timer
Calamares – preserve files
We have added a module to also preserve the calamares.json file after installation.
Another file to analyze the installation procedure next to the Calamares.log.
You will find it in /var/log folder.
Leftwm – new theme – db-scifi
Thanks Peter for this beautiful theme.
Bat is a fork from cat giving some more syntax functionality.
Arch Linux tutorial XFS
From time to time – often after the release of a new iso on the first of the month – we install Arch Linux.
This time we tried another filesystem called XFS.
Remember to install xfsprogs as well.
mkinitcpio and zstd
We switch to zstd compression for mkinitcpio. Read more about mkinitcpio and the news about the switch.
We have waited long enough to be more backwards compatible with kernels.
arcolinux logout
Create your own ArcoLinux Logout icons/theme.
We created a short alias to set the resolution correct on vmware.
Behind the alias is this code:
sudo systemctl enable --now vmtoolsd.service
We updated Dusk. Plasma and Dusk can co-exist together now without any issues.
Possibly missing hardware messages
There is only one way of getting rid of these messages and that is by installing the packages.
The packages are often not needed at all but we did not want to see the messages anymore.
Too many users ask questions about it and Arch Linux will leave the messages as is.
Arc themes
We have updated our Arc themes to match the code on the github.
We rebuilt our current colored themes and created a few more.
arcolinux-arc-themes-2021-creative-git (new package/code – new colors)
arcolinux-arc-themes-2021-git (new package/code – same color as arcolinux-arc-themes-git)
arcolinux-arc-themes-2021-sky-git (new package/code – sky = blueish)
arcolinux-arc-themes-git (old package – older code July 2020)
sudo pacman -S ...
Windows 11 – sidetracking
With the new Operating System release of Windows 11 and a new AMD laptop we explain the workflow to dualboot Windows 11 and ArcoLinux.
Linux Mint sidetracking
If we can create Arc themes on Arch … can we create Arc themes on Debian? And more what ifs.
TELL ME what to do
what are you missing
what is new
How to stay rolling
We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.
Full package list
The full package list of the latest isos can always be found on github at this address :
ArcoLinux :
ArcoLinuxD :
More detailed information can be found in theĀ
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.