Leftwm now has 16 themes
8 more themes for you to discover
We created our own themes using our own code and code by Adi.
We teach you to theme leftwm
Leftwm has aliases
#Leftwm aliases
alias lti="leftwm-theme install"
alias ltu="leftwm-theme uninstall"
alias lta="leftwm-theme apply"
alias ltupd="leftwm-theme update"
alias ltupg="leftwm-theme upgrade"
Dusk – fork from Dwm
It is interesting to see people create their own view on Dwm.
Dusk is all about choices and the freedom and knowledge to apply these choices.
All credits to the developer : https://github.com/bakkeby/dusk
All we have done is “Arcofy” the config. Mainly we changed the keybindings so we can navigate Dusk like any of our other 25 desktops.
You can install it with the ATT and remove it with the ADT.
Halloween treat of 2021
ArcoLinuxB Dusk
We told you we would not create an ArcoLinuxB Dusk as the only difference between Dwm and Dusk is one package called arcolinux-dusk-git.
We did create a tutorial to show the workflow behind creating ArcoLinuxB isos.
Because we created one for our personal use, we will share it.
Thanks to user questions we were triggered to take a look at things. In this case we had a look at the Xanmod Edge kernel.
We were suprised at the flexibility of the PKGBUILD.
It is a kernel YOU need to build – you will end up with a kernel only suited for your computer system. Add any and all hardware you use to be sure that all modules are created in the kernel.
Your kernel can be as small as 15MB and still have full functionality.
If you break it
You fix it
Summarize everything you have learned into a script.
You can run it another day.
We have created a new package.
Learning how to create packages on Arch Linux is easiest with wallpapers or icons. Nothing needs to be compiled. There are no dependencies etc…
arcolinux-wallpapers-candy-git can be installed
ArcoLinux Tweak Tool Leftwm
You can now install Leftwm via the ATT and remove it via the ADT.
ATT = ArcoLinux Tweak Tool
ADT = ArcoLinux Desktop Trasher
ArcoLinux Tweak Tool Terminal Fun
We can easily switch each utility on or off and use lolcat if we want to.
Bash and Zsh are our default shells.
ArcoLinux Tweak Tool Privacy
We added a backup system to ATT for your /etc/hosts file. If you enable hblock, you can find a backup file in /etc/hosts.bak.att.
We have added a new alias to be used in a terminal:
Sometimes you just want to shutdown hblock for a few minutes.
will activate it again.
ArcoLinux Tweak Tool Mirrors
We have added Aarnet to the list of mirrors. Userbase located in or near Australia can benefit from the speed.
We have added Gitlab to the list of mirrors. Userbase located in or near North-America can benefit from the speed.
ArcoLinux Tweak Tool Removing Backup folders
We made sure you can remove the back-up folders in your home directory. It was a matter of permissions.
I3 themes
Creating a new i3 theme – noclue
Creating a new i3 theme can be fun and creative.
It is not that hard.
General changes
Calamares is used for this version.
More info on https://calamares.io.
WHAT IF – removing everything but the essential ARCH LINUX packages
A dangerous concept – experiment just before you do a clean install
sudo pacman -D --asdeps $(pacman -Qqe)
sudo pacman -D --asexplicit base base-devel linux linux-firmware nano
sudo pacman -Qtdq | pacman -Rns -
What if – creation of a bare ArcoLinuxB Plasma
Watching videos like these makes you aware that it is all about choices.
Packages aka lego blocks
What to install and what not to results in a different distro.
A different look. A different feel. A different start.
What if – create your own icon theme for leftwm
Wallpapers, polybar, themes – they all matter.
What about icons?
Youtube downloader
We have moved to the packakge yt-dlp to download audio and video.
Our aliases are still the same. We just removed a few.
sudo pacman -S yt-dlp
It is much faster at downloading!!
We have added a new application to our repo : rate-mirrors-bin.
We use an alias to start it called :
It will create a new pacman mirrorlist in order to get the best Arch Linux servers for you.
To DO Leftwm tutorials
what is new
How to stay rolling
We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.
Full package list
The full package list of the latest isos can always be found on github at this address :
ArcoLinux : https://github.com/arcolinux/arcolinux-iso/blob/master/archiso/packages.x86_64
ArcoLinuxD : https://github.com/arcolinux/arcolinuxd-iso/blob/master/archiso/packages.x86_64
More detailed information can be found in the
beta links in the arcolinux.info menu
and of course in the commits
On github.