ARCOLINUX 21.09.11
ArcoLinux Desktop trasher (ADT) and CUTEFISH
ArcoLinuX Desktop Trasher has now the functionality to leave the .config alone.
Cutefish can be uninstalled.
Switch the config of SDDM
Fix-sddm-config is the most important alias to remember in August/September 2021.
If your ArcoLinux Tweak Tools fails to launch
is what you type in a terminal
We have switched from configuring SDDM with one file to two.
The content is the same, while the the settings are located in two files.
ATT ZSH tab has been improved
We can now see the theme we have selected and the theme that we will select.
There is also an easy way to change your shell to Zsh or Bash.
If you want to reset your zshrc you can do so by the click of a button.
ATT Fixes is a new tab
We have added buttons to easily run our most important ArcoLinux scripts.
ATT Mirrors is a new tab
Due to increased popularity we have used more than 20TB of bandwidth in one month. As a result we have upgraded the service at Seedhost.
In order to conserve bandwidth we have added an option to the ATT.
If we do not enable the seedhost server we will use the free Belnet server and we can save some bandwidth.
ATT USER is a new tab
Not every desktop has a way to add a user to the system. It can be done via the terminal.
Now we can do it via the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool.
ATT SDDM is a new tab
We have abandoned the app sddm-config-editor-git app. One of the fields was not correct. We posted an issue on the github months ago. No new release yet.
We created our own way to change the desktop session to autologin and more.
ATT Terminals tab has been improved
Only the ArcoLinuxL has the possibility to change between themes. All themes are installed by default.
The other ISOS are meant to be minimal.
They can install more themes with the click of a button.
ATT Desktop tab has been improved
You can install Cutefish with the ATT.
We re-arranged the backup folders to one specific folder.
We added a direct link to the ArcoLinux Desktop Trasher.
We have added log files so you can follow what happens to your computer system.
ATT Privacy tab has been improved
What used to be only Hblock is now Privacy.
Plenty of space to add more elements later.
For now we have added uBlock origin – a well known extension for browsers.
Click and it installs. Click again and it uninstalls.
ATT switcher tab has been improved
We have completely rewritten this one – my thanks to ArcoLinux Surfie for all his efforts.
We can now also see the themes we select in a nice preview.
Betterlockscreen – arcolinux-betterlockscreen updated to last version
When betterlockscreen or i3-lock change their switches then we must update our ArcoLinux Betterlockscreen and ArcoLinux Logout because they rely on these packages.
The sweet icons are now part of the official package arcolinux-logout-git.
The other themes are in arcolinux-logout-themes-git.
Ayu theme – 6 variants
The Ayu theme was a good find. It is currently not on the AUR but only on ArcoLinux.
The theme resembles a darker Arc theme.
Theming our terminals
We like our terminals to be themeable.
208 alcritty themes
80 xfce4 terminal themes
have been added.
You can install them via ATT.
The ArcoLinuxL ISOS will have them by default.
It has been on our systems in the past. We will add it to the list of packages again and enable its service.
During the advanced Calamares installation you can choose many packages.
We have added these new packages:
- android-nativefier
- android-tools
- android-file-transfer
- android-sdk-platform-tools
- appimagelauncher
- blender-benchmark
- bpytop (replacement for bashtop)
- droidcam
- element-desktop
- filebot
- geekbench
- google-chat-linux-bin
- gputest
- ifuse
- makemkv
- neochat
- phoronix-test-suite
- powerpill
- protonup-git
- qtscrcpy
- rollback-git
- scrcpy
- shareport-sync
- simplicity-sddm-theme-git
- snapper
- snap-sync
- snap-pac
- tweetdeck-desktop
- ulauncher
- vmware-workstation
- xdman
We have added more packages to install in Calamares:
- arcolinux-meta-log
- arcolinux-meta-sddm-themes
- arcolinux-meta-wine
More third party packages:
- s-tui
- freetube-bin
- youtube-dl-gui-git
- proton-comunity-updater
- proton-ge-custom-bin
- protonup
- gamehub-bin
- gamemode
- goverlay-bin
- heroic-games-launcher-bin
- itch
- mangohud
- minigalaxy
- replay-sorcery
- vkbasalt
- ayu-theme
What applications do you think would be a nice addition?
To DO CWM tutorials
what is new
How to stay rolling
We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.
Full package list
The full package list of the latest ISOS can always be found on github at this address :
ArcoLinux :
ArcoLinuxD :
More detailed information can be found in the
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.