From ArchMerge to ArcoLinux
At the time it seemed not a big task to change names from ArchMerge to ArcoLinux but in retrospect we had quite a big drain in resources because of it. It involves everything till the social media channels, websites etc. But luckily not a financial drain thanks to our partner
We are happy with the new name as it shows we do more then just merge 3 desktops in one iso.
More information about the name change and the vision of ArcoLinux can be found in this article: Archmerge evolves into ArcoLinux.
We did not change the name “Kirk” or the numbering schema. We want all users to know that this is the next ArchMerge version with a different name and a different logo. Behind the scenes many technical things have changed ofcourse.
We recommend you to do a clean installation for ArcoLinux. We have changed quite some elements (configs, githubs, …) and want to spare you (and us) the frustration when upgrading from ArchMerge to ArcoLinux.
After the clean installation of ArcoLinux you can expect again a rolling release with updates coming in via the new ArcoLinux repo and from all the new arcolinux packages.
We added more colorful logos of ArcoLinux that can match any wallpaper or theme.
ArcoLinux shares all its files and settings on github.
So you can always check there what changed if you are interested.
We had already a lot of githubs in ArchMerge but making all these ArcoLinuxD environments we felt we needed more granularity or detail in our packages. This was a great time to do just that and consequently we needed to change all 8 desktop environments on That was also a large investment of time and resources. We trust it will be better in the future for our users. You can now hand-pick what settings you want to import.
ArcoLinux-iso-skel is now replaced by 9 githubs.
- arcolinux-config
- arcolinux-neofetch
- arcolinux-variety
- arcolinux-local
- arcolinux-nitrogen
- arcolinux-geany
- arcolinux-plank
- arcolinux-tint2
- arcolinux-rofi
Sardi and Surfn update
- fix for double linux word at bootup
- BYOI – improvement in the scripts
- New alias : unlock=“sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck“
- oomox used instead of oomox-git
- trizen – AUR helper like yaourt, packer, …
- zoom – video conferencing
- asciinema – for user support when on ArcoLinuxD
- pragha music player is now the standard music player
- deadbeef
- lollypop
- intel-ucode is removed from iso as it needs to be installed by the user like polybar.
- Conkyzen application is shown in xfce settings.
- ctrl + alt + enter = terminal
- right mouse click – context menu- no applications anymore – icons too small
- Whisker Menu: icons size for category icons is a bit bigger
- Conky chooser renamed to Conkyzen
- ctrl + alt + enter = terminal
- Changed fading in compton.conf to smaller number to get quicker response
- new tint2-theme : arcolinux-minimal-white
During our work on Awesome we felt that the workflow improved if applications were not bound to a specific workspace. As a result applications are no longer fixed to a workspace on i3 but the lines are still in there -hashtagged out. Reuse the lines if you want it.
Changed fading in compton.conf to smaller number to get quicker response