ArcoLinux -D -B 21.07


Since we changed the original concept of the ArcoLinux flagship in the month of May we re-thought a possible learning path.

We created these phases with one thought in our minds.

What learning path would I advise to someone coming to Linux for the very first time?

We will reorganize our websites accordingly.

Installing ArcoLinux

In the last editons we have been looking for the ‘right amount’ of drivers on our ISO.
TIP : If you are ‘stuck’ why not try an older ISO with different kernel and different drivers

Here is an overview of the different drivers included in our ISOS.


There are three options to boot from both in GRUB and in UEFI.

  1. Opensource drivers will not use Nvidia. You rely on the kernel and the driver packages.
  2. Nvidia will use the standard Arch Linux package Nvidia. There are drivers for older cards on the AUR. Nvidia 340 and Nvidia 390. Nvidia will always be installed on your system if you select this.
  3. Nomodeset – telling the kernel what not to use – you can edit grub via TAB or E and change it so that your hardware is supported.



The first thing you need to analyze is what drivers you need on your computer.

With all the versions we have given you, you can start analyzing what you need.

The ISO of 21.3 does not provide any drivers. If it still boots and has a graphical environment, it means you do not need ANY drivers and you are fine without them. The kernel provides your system the support it needs.

Starting from the May release (21.5) we have added Nvidia to the ISO. You can install it during the installation of Calamares but you can also boot with the Nvidia from BIOS/UEFI and then Nvidia will be installed on your system – regardless if you select Nvidia in Calamares or not.

Some people can not boot because of the presence of the xf86-video-intel driver. Some can not boot without it. You can test that out with the different ISOS that do not have it on board.

Let me again emphasize the power of the ArcoLinux project.

Once you know what packages you need and which packages you certainly do not want on your system, you build the ISO yourself via the help of our tutorials on

New filesystem F2fs

We have added a new filesystem to the ArcoLinux Calamares Tool.

You can now select also f2fs.

Read more about it on the wiki or on

Arcolinux Spices Application

We rewrote this application with the KISS principle in mind.

All that it needs to do is add the ArcoLinux keys and add our repos.

The rest is up to the user. Since keyservers have not proven reliable in June/July 2021 we install the keys another way.

Practical look at your filesystem

We look at all the folders and files that actually matter on your system.

Is there any logic behind it?

virtual machines

We made sure Vmware, Qemu and VirtualBox work with ArcoLinux – Linux, MacOsx and Windows.

surfn papirus casablanca

We have created an extra icon theme to match a nice wallpaper.


Both Paru and Yay are onboard as the AUR helpers. If one fails we have the other one.

Our alias “upall” is now with paru rather than yay.

# paru as aur helper - updates everything
alias pksyua="paru -Syu --noconfirm"
alias upall="paru -Syu --noconfirm"


Thanks to a tip on github we were able to get the copy/paste functionality back in urxvt.

A new .Xresources was created for that purpose.


Sublime-text-dev has been changed into Sublime-text-4.

Only ArcoLinuxL, ArcoLinuxS and ArcoLinuxD have been rebuilt. Rest of the ISOS will keep version 21.07.02.
Manually install sublime-text-4 or use our scripts in ~/.bin/stay-rolling.

Packages added to Calamares

These are the new packages you can select during installation

  • nomachine
  • ms-office-online
  • mullvad-vpn-bin
  • losslesscut-bin


Thanks to a tip from AKM on discord we have simplified our configuration of Kvantum.

Pacman v6 and consequently pamac-all

Pacman v6 is now part of our systems.

We have changed the pacman.conf so we do not see the errors and have the power of parallel downloads.

Pamac-all also underwent some changes because of the new pacman version.


Alacritty is onboard as a possible replacement for termite. We keep termite around till it breaks so to speak.

Urxvt is the other standard terminal. We need it to make a connection to our remote servers.

Grub update

We have added this line to the standard grub config.

# Check for other operating systems

Log applications for ArcoLinuxL iso

To have an easy and quick access to all the Linux logs we have created a meta package – arcolinux-meta-log


After the new configuration file we changed it back to what we think works for us. For example, this is interesting for NAS owners.


We switch over to a new icon theme and gtk3/4 package.

  • surfn-plasma-dark-git
  • arcolinux-gtk-surfn-plasma-dark-git

carli and alci

Both projects receive updates if Calamares or Archiso change version.
New article on ALCI to boot into your choosen desktop instead of ALCI-DWM.

Spinoff Arch linux gui

Review for Demonkiller of his newly created ISOS. Xfce4 as example.
More info.

Spinoff Aravalli Linux6

Review for hisham_6c5 of his newly created ISO based on Carli. Plama as desktop.
More info.


Tutorials for Cwm and Fvwm3

what is new

How to stay rolling

We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.

How to update any ArcoLinux or how to stay rolling

geoip service is Working again
Future will tell us for how long

More detailed information can be found in the 
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.