ArcoLinux -D -B 21.05

Freedom Freedom Freedom

choose from 22 desktops on any iso

All our ISOS give you the choice to install any of our 22 desktops with Calamares from any ISO.

Support for NVidia in the live environment

All our isos have support for Nvidia on board.

We have added the xf86-video drivers back on the iso.

Nvidia 340 and 390 will have to be built after installation.

This is the list of all drivers on the isos:


  • xf86-video-amdgpu
  • xf86-video-ati
  • xf86-video-fbdev
  • xf86-video-intel
  • xf86-video-nouveau
  • xf86-video-openchrome
  • xf86-video-vesa
  • xf86-video-vmware
  • nvidia
  • nvidia-utils
  • nvidia-settings

If you need the Nvidia driver, choose it in GRUB or UEFI

The other options will remove the Nvidia driver from the live environment and from your future system.

ARcoLinuxL and ArcoLinuxS give you more freedom

Two new isos – ArcoLinuxL and ArcoLinuxS

ArcoLinux iso – the flagship – will keep all its software but no longer contains Openbox and i3wm. You can select Openbox or i3wm in Calamares if you want them. This iso has been renamed to ArcoLinuxL. XL as in extra large. All the software we need to develop our project, is on that ISO. Xfce4 is the default desktop.

ArcoLinux iso becomes ArcoLinuxL iso – Xtra Large

We created a stripped down version of ArcoLinux iso (no Openbox and no i3wm but also no software). You can select Openbox or i3wm in Calamares if you want them. You can select the software you like in Calamares. We named this NEW ISO ArcoLinuxS. XS as in extra small. Xfce4 is the default desktop.

If ArcoLinuxL is our flagship then ArcoLinuxS is our ship – Xtra Small

ArcoLinuxD is unchanged. It has no dekstop, no software. You can select in Calamares what you want: kernels, drivers, display managers, desktops, services and software.

ArcoLinuxB is unchanged. You build your own iso with our scripts. Add software or remove software from the list and build the iso yourself.


ArcoLinux iso is now called ArcoLinuxL iso. Xtra Large. Lots of sofware.

There is a smaller iso of ArcoLinux iso called ArcoLinuxS. Xtra Small. No software.

Rest stays the same – ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB.

Unreadable ?
Download the PDF here

What happened to the ArcoLinux iso – the Flagship?

Packages removed from and added to Flagship

We have removed Openbox and i3wm from the flagship iso since we can now install them via Calamares.


  • speedtest-cli
  • trizen
  • gsimplecal
  • screenkey-bin
  • geany
  • rofi
  • arcolinux-rofi-git
  • arcolinux-rofi-themes-git
  • openbox-arc-git
  • arcolinux-common-git
  • arcolinux-docs-git
  • arcolinux-geany-git
  • arcolinux-nitrogen-git
  • arcolinux-obmenu-generator-git
  • arcolinux-openbox-themes-git
  • arcolinux-polybar-git
  • arcolinux-tint2-git
  • arcolinux-tint2-themes-git
  • arcolinux-i3wm-git
  • arcolinux-openbox-git
  • arcolinux-config-git
  • arcolinux-dconf-git
  • picom
  • volumeicon
  • i3status
  • i3blocks
  • i3-gaps
  • autotiling
  • gtk2-perl
  • obkey
  • obmenu3
  • obmenu-generator
  • obconf
  • openbox
  • perl-linux-desktopfiles
  • tint2
  • xcape
  • openbox-themes-pambudi-git
  • lxappearance
  • lxappearance-obconf
  • lxrandr
  • xfburn


  • speedtest-cli-git
  • arcolinux-config-all-desktops-git
  • arcolinux-dconf-all-desktops-git
  • paru-bin
  • arcolinux-paru-git
  • ripgrep
  • arcolinux-gtk3-sardi-arc-git
  • arcolinux-variety-autostart-git
  • xf86-video-amdgpu
  • xf86-video-ati
  • xf86-video-fbdev
  • xf86-video-intel
  • xf86-video-nouveau
  • xf86-video-openchrome
  • xf86-video-vesa
  • xf86-video-vmware
  • nvidia
  • nvidia-utils
  • nvidia-settings

Created for the other isos


  • arcolinux-gtk3-surfn-arc-git
  • arcolinux-gtk3-surfn-arc-breeze-git
  • arcolinux-guake-autostart-git
  • arcolinux-volumeicon-git

Calamares config for ArcoLinuxL

We have changed our Calamares configuration because we also want to give any of our isos the possibility to add desktops from within Calamares.

You will be able to choose other display managers too now or choose to install more Sddm themes.


We have developed a new desktop fvwm3.

More info on Arch Linux.

More info on their website.


We have created a new meta package to install and use Samba.

An extra alias nsamba has been added to your .bashrc and .zshrc to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf.

sudo pacman -S arcolinux-meta-samba

More info here.


We have added the EndeavourOS package to our repository with their permission.

It is another way to get the best Arch Linux servers with the help of reflector.

It is a GUI that lets you select what countries you would like to select and more.

Other tools are our aliases

  • mirror
  • mirrors
  • mirrord
  • mirrora
  • mirrorx
  • mirrorxx
  • arcolinux-osbeck-as-mirror
  • arcolinux-get-mirrors
  • arcolinux-welcome-app

Openbox menu

Lightdm is no longer our official display manager. We have edited the Openbox menu in favor of Sddm.
Exo-preferred-appliciatons from Xfce4 does not exist anymore. It is replaced with the correct xfce4 application.

Archiso 52-1

Archiso is the package that creates the Arch Linux iso but also ours.

We evaluate what elements we add or keep.

The following packages have been added (source: releng from Archiso)

  • fatresize
  • sof-firmware
  • usbmuxd

New SDDM theme materia

We have added this theme to our repo which comes from the papirus team.

It is very well maintained and it just looks amazing, slick and professional.

sudo pacman -S arcolinux-sddm-materia-git

The advantage of making our own package and creating our own Github is that we are in control of the changes we like to implement.
The disadvantage is that we will have to look from time to time for differences from the original.

Duf application standard on all isos

During our file system evaluation we discovered that duf can give us a quick insight.


ArcoLinux March edition will not boot up on any Vmware machine (Linux and Windows tested).

We have added a script that activates a Vmware service  to have a larger resolution than 800×600 pixels.

That script is out so you can boot up.


Using Calamares

We can now add a URL to check the configurations of our netinstall modules.

Calamares will update to the latest yaml configuration it can find on github even when it was built months ago.


Xlunch is an app launcher that we are testing out in Awesome, Bspwm and i3wm.

The code is not applied. It is a keyboard shortcut that is now hashtagged out.

The application is not installed nor is its config.

sudo pacman -S xlunch-git
sudo pacman -S arcolinux-xlunch-git

Install and activate it if you wish to use it.


Alacritty is a terminal written in Rust. Check out the Arch wiki to learn about it.

The application is not installed nor is its config.

sudo pacman -S alacritty
sudo pacman -S arcolinux-alacritty-git

Install it and bind it with a keyboard combination to use it.


We have given the Carli project the latest Calamares version. More info here.
Major change in Carli – moving away from using

Adding a netinstall list of packages from a third party.

We have updated Calamares because of the update of the package boost and we are now in sync with archiso 53-1.


We have given the ALCI project the latest Calamares version. More info here.
Adding a config from a third party is easy.

We have updated Calamares because of the update of the package boost and we are now in sync with archiso 53-1.

Reporting tools

Your .bashrc now contains more reporting tools.

By default we have neofetch.

But there is more in the world:

# reporting tools - install when not installed
# install neofetch
# install screenfetch
# install ufetch-git
# install ufetch-arco-git
# install arcolinux-paleofetch-git
# install alsi
# install arcolinux-bin-git - standard on ArcoLinux isos (or sfetch - smaller)
# install lolcat
sfetch | lolcat

Conky lazuli

We have added an extra line to see yesterday’s internet traffic volume.

fun script – tanks

To DO  fvwm3 tutorials

what is new

How to stay rolling

We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.

How to update any ArcoLinux or how to stay rolling

geoip service is Working again
Future will tell us for how long

More detailed information can be found in the 
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.