ArcoLinux -D -B 20.7

Release July 2020

Timing of releases

21 isos to build and test every month

With two more desktops and two other desktops in the pipeline our number of isos keeps growing.

Needless to say this puts a big strain on everyone. We have decided to change our release cycle.

Next year we will release our isos in a bimonthly schedule.

Mid September 2020
Mid November 2020
Mid January 2021
Mid March 2021
Mid May 2021
Mid July 2021
August Holiday

Every single iso can be built on the spot by running our scripts if you want the latest versions on your iso.

1 ArcoLinux iso

1 ArcoLinuxD iso

18 ArcoLinuxB isos – different dektops

1 ArcoLinuxB Xtended – to promote tiling window managers



Carli 7

The Carli project continues with big leaps.

4 more articles with 5 YouTube videos to boost your knowledge.

Archiso was changed extensively. As a rule we follow Arch Linux as closely as possible.
Many things had to be changed. We have also built a new calamares.

New desktop = UKUI

Ukui – new desktop

Ukui is ‘lightweight, useful, convenient and intuitive’. Ukui is the desktop used on Ubuntu Kylin.

We have made it a beautiful and usable desktop experience. Many packages were added to fill in the gaps to give us a full and rich desktop experience on ArcoLinux.

Read more on or on the wiki page.


UKUI = Ubuntu Kylin User Interface 

New desktop : Spectrwm


Spectrwm is a inspired on xmonad and dwm.

You will easily get to grips with this TWM. All the keyboard shortcuts you know from the other TWMs are in place.

Read more on spectrwm or on the Arch Linux wiki page.

“Spectrwm is a small dynamic tiling window manager for Xorg. It tries to stay out of the way so that valuable screen real estate can be used for much more important stuff. It has sane defaults and does not require one to learn a language to do any configuration. It was written by hackers for hackers and it strives to be small, compact and fast.


Spectrwm was previously Scrotwm


Arcolinux Tweaktool – Ukui and spectrwm added

With the ArcoLinux Tweaktool you can install any desktop on ArcoLinux including the two new desktops.


To remove desktops – check out the ArcoLinux cheatsheet and type

sudo pacman -Rs ...


no automated service for Arch linux servers by default

Arch Linux servers

We have removed the following packages from the iso:

arcolinux-systemd-services-git – a service to auto-update the servers every time you boot up

arcolinux-cron-git – a service that will refresh the Arch Linux servers randomly during the day

Updating the Arch Linux servers is no longer an automated process.

Either type in your terminal mirror, mirrors, mirrord or mirrora.

Or use the welcome application and push the update button.

If you do want this automated service, add this line to your scripts and install them after a clean install.

sudo pacman -S arcolinux-systemd-services-git arcolinux-cron-git

bashrc and typos


We have added a line of code to make bashrc insensitive to case when you do TAB completion.

Upa + TAB


will all result in finding upall.



We are using the latest Calamares version More info here.


Hblock timer and service gone

arcolinux-hblock-git protects us against malicious websites and trackers.

Due to a timer this service was activated at a random time after installation. This goes counter to our vision that is the user who decides what he or she enables.  The service and timer have been deleted.

With our ArcoLinux Tweak Tool you activate or deactivate it. This is how it should have been implemented in the first place. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Big thanks to Diddelmann on Discord to have reported it.

ArcoLinux Logout themes

Arcolinux – logout themes

We have added the following package to all isos that use our arcolinux-logout application:

  • arcolinux-logout-themes-git



The application ARCHISO has been updated.

We have followed the changes and have updated all our build scripts.


Pamac-aur not showing icons

We have waited a long time for the fix to come from Arch Linux.

The script that will show icons in your pamac-aur is in ~/.bin/stay-rolling/2020/20.06-to-20.07/


Removed from iso

We have removed the following package from the isos

  • aurvote-git (orphaned – no github updates in years)

Time for a new default wallpaper

Thinking about the holiday coming up and the fact we have stayed months in our houses made me choose more holiday images.

The old wallpapers can be found here.

Fun script – elfman

to do next month(s)

Continue the carli project

Let us try to get a new article/video/step out every month.
In a few months time we will have made progress.

development  of sway

development  of dwm

tutorials for spectrwm

tutorials for ukui

how to stay rolling

what is new

good to know

staying up-to-date

We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.

How to update any ArcoLinux or how to stay rolling

Re-use our nemesis script – post installation script

After a clean installation we will install more software like Spotify, Dropbox, Insync, etc…

Installing Nemesis on any ArcoLinux

Up and running under 15 minutes
after clean install

After a clean installation we will install more software like Spotify, Dropbox, Insync, etc…
Re-use our arcogetstarted script.

The url to this script is ALWAYS pinned on discord in the official channel at the top in discord.

Up and running in 15 minutes after a clean install

Learn the most important aliases

geoip service is once  again working
Future will tell us for how long

More detailed information can be found in the 
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.


Overcome any and all installation issues

with our

“all you need to know article”

