ArcoLinux -D -B 20.5

20.5 – May RELEASE
options to install a desktop
Live usb boots into DESKTOP of CHOICE
CALAMARES – general
Calamares – arcolinuxd
Calamares – arcolinux and arcolinuxb
ARcolinuxD scripts on github
arcolinux welcome
arcolinux tweaktool
arcolinux logout
thunar custom actions
i3wm tiles differently now

Options to install a desktop


Option 1

Use the ArcoLinuxD iso
Choose the desktop
in Calamares


Option 2

Use the ArcoLinuxD iso
Install the desktop using our scripts


Option 3

Use the ArcoLinuxB iso

download or build


Option 4

Install the desktop using

ARcolinux tweak tool


Arcolinuxb isos

All ArcoLinuxB isos will boot into the desktop of choice.

Xfce is no longer used as the transfer mechanism.

If you are not comfortable with tiling window managers and their keyboard shortcuts, we advise you to watch the installation videos on Example of Qtile. Watch the installation video at the bottom of the page.

CALAMARES – general

Extra packages in Calamares

  • vim-plugins
  • simplescreenrecorder
  • arcolinux-termite-themes-git

Calamares update

We are using Calamares 3.2.23 now. More info here.

Calamares – ArcoLinuxD

ArcoLinuxD is the most minimal iso there is.

ArcoLinuxD is as close to the Arch Linux iso as possible.

ArcoLinuxD is in essence a netinstall iso.

The more you select, the more you need to download, the more you need to install and the longer it will take to install ArcoLinuxD – be patient

Package list changes for ArcoLinuxD

Removed from ArcoLinuxD iso and added to Calamares

  • lshw
  • dmidecode
  • xdo
  • xdotool
  • arcolinux-logout-git
  • arcolinux-local-xfce4-git
  • arcolinux-tweak-tool-git
  • gmrun
  • feh
  • archiso

Calamares config improved for ArcoLinuxD

We have created a new Calamares config to separate the applications for

  • filemanagers
  • terminals
  • graphics

The applications module shows the content of the categories.


Adding Jwm to the Calamares installer.

Calamares – ArcoLinux and ArcolinuxB

Calamares config improved for ArcoLinux and ArcoLinuxB

We have created a new Calamares config to separate the applications for

  • filemanagers
  • terminals
  • graphics

arcolinuxd scripts on github

ArcoLinuxD scripts on github updated


  • more freedom
  • fewer ArcoLinux packages on final ssd or harddisk
  • remove the last 8 ArcoLinux packages and you have an Arch Linux system
  • scripts provide a minimum of applications
  • feel of Arch Linux after script 100
  • feel of Arco Linux after script 500 & 600

When you only run script 100 you will get a minimal installation of the desktop from Arch Linux.

When you install scripts 500 and 600 you will get the look and feel as intended by ArcoLinux.

It is like a before and after image


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600


After script 100

After script 500 & 600

ArcoLinux Welcome

ArcoLinux welcome update mirrors

In the backend the Arch Linux mirrors have been updated in the live environment IF you are connected to the internet via LAN.

If you are working via WIFI, you now have the option to update the Arch Linux mirrors after you are connected to your wireless. Remember there is the command “nmtui” as well to connect via terminal.

ArcoLinux Welcome – warning and conflicts

Extra warning for ArcoLinux Tweak Tool.

If you want to install the Budgie desktop make sure you uninstall catfish as it will conflict with zeitgeist and Budgie will not be installed.

sudo pacman -R catfish

    ArcoLinux Tweak Tool

    ArcoLinux Tweak Tool

    When you use the ArcoLinuxD iso and you did not select arcolinux-termite-themes-git during Calamares installation, you will end up with a termite that is not transparent and has a light gray background.

    If that is the case the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool will assist you to install our themes with the click of a button.

    You will have our ArcoLinux theme and a transparent background.

    It will also assist you when you are on Arch Linux.

    If you are not on i3 or Awesome, the ATT shows that you will be able to change the theme if you are.

    If you are not on zsh, the ATT shows that you will be able to change the theme if you are.

    The tabs for oblogout and slick lock theme are no longer present. There will be no future development regarding these packages.
    We move into the future with the ArcoLinux logout application.


    ArcoLinux Logout

    ArcoLinux Logout has a different format of clock.
    If you want these settings, you will have to delete the ~/config/arcologout folder.

    The package arcolinux-logout-git has been added to the packages lists.

    We will move away from oblogout and slimlock.

    ArcoLinux betterlockscreen improvement

    ArcoLinux Betterlockscreen has a default button to go back to the default path in /usr/share/backgrounds/arcolinux.

    thunar custom actions


    We have added a custom keyboard shortcut to Xfce. Git and are our way to be transparent and put all our data online for anyone to study. Gitahead is one of the applications to administer git projects in a graphical fashion. Now we can open gitahead with the right mouse click and immediately open up the selected git project.

    You can install it via

    sudo pacman -S gitahead

    i3wm tiles differently now

    Autotiling for i3

    We have added the following package to the ArcoLinux iso (Xfce, Openbox and i3) autotiling. It will tile the windows in a smarter way. Now you will have quarters of a screen or one eight without extra keyboard shortcuts. Great tip from gr33n on Discord.

    The stay rolling users install it via

    sudo pacman -S autotiling


    Fun script: monster


    ArcoLinux ISO

    We have removed the following packages from the ArcoLinux iso (Xfce, Openbox and i3)

    • arcolinux-oblogout
    • arcolinux-oblogout-themes
    • arcolinux-slim
    • arcolinux-slim-themes

    We will update the ArcoLinuxB isos next month. A script is present in ~/.bin/stay-rolling to remove them now.

    ArcoLinuxB LXQT

    Lxqt will use arcolinux-logout on the keyboard shortcuts Super + X, CTRL + ALT + K and CTRL + ALT + L
    Xscreensaver is moved to SUPER + K and SUPER + L

    ArcoLinux kvantum

    Extra packages have been added to the config file to follow the Arc theme.

    • pcmanfm-qt
    • lxqt-leave

    ArcoLinuxB isos

    The following packages have been removed from all ArcoLinuxB isos

    • dmidecode
    • lshw

    ArcoLinux Spices

    We have added yay-bin to the list of applications that should be installed after you have added the ArcoLinux repos.

    More info here.

    ArcoLinuxB cinnamon

    New config to make sure the clock is at the very end of the panel at the bottom to the right.

    to do next month(s)

    Tutorials for JWM

    development  of dwm

    development  of spectrwm

    Continue the carli project

    Let us try to get a new article/video/step out every month.
    In a few months time we will have made progress.

    how to stay rolling

    what is new

    good to know

    staying up-to-date

    We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.

    How to update any ArcoLinux or how to stay rolling

    Re-use our nemesis script – post installation script

    After a clean installation we will install more software like Spotify, Dropbox, Insync, etc…

    Installing Nemesis on any ArcoLinux

    Up and running under 15 minutes
    after clean install

    After a clean installation we will install more software like Spotify, Dropbox, Insync, etc…
    Re-use our arcogetstarted script.

    The url to this script is ALWAYS pinned on discord in the official channel at the top in discord.

    Up and running in 15 minutes after a clean install

    Learn the most important aliases

    geoip service is once  again working
    Future will tell us for how long

    More detailed information can be found in the 
    beta links in the menu
    and of course in the commits
    On github.


    Overcome any and all installation issues

    with our

    “all you need to know article”

