19.5 – May release
development of Awesome
less ArcoLinuxB isos
Sardi & surfn icons major release
redshift out
super + Q
oblogout new theme
NEW IN .bin
Conky – AUR-Slate
general improvements
future efforts
Stay rolling
development of Awesome
This month we have been perfecting Awesome. Making sure everything works and that all the ArcoLinux custom keyboard shortcuts are there. We have added a new one to our list.
But also a lot of new programming code.
- 19 files changed
- 231 additions
- 317 deletions.
We have added a new keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of the system icons i.e Super + –
There are no icons anymore in the menu when you right mouse click on the desktop.
Less arcolinuxb isos
We will be building less and less ArcoLinuxB isos in the future.
It takes a lot of energy for the ArcoLinux team and all betatesters to test all the isos.
There are ArcoLinux and ArcoLinuxD – 2
There are ArcoLinuxB Full isos – 13
There are ArcoLinuxB Minimal isos – 13
That brings us to a total of 28 isos to test EVERY MONTH.
That is a huge drain of energy and time for all concerned.
That is why you will see that we will have partial builds or no ArcoLinuxB builds at all.
The idea of the BYOI project is NOT to download it but to BUILD it yourself.
If building is not your thing, you can always download an older full or minimal iso and start updating. We do want to keep rolling anyway and you know we have scripts to do that.
Thank you betatesters for giving us your time, energy and hardware to test all these isos.
Redshift is out
Redshift was included in the last iso. During testing redshift gave no issues. After the launch some of our users reported it was NOT working. Since reports were partially negative, we have decided not to include it on the iso. You can install in later, if you want to have it.
Software that gives our users frustrations is out as a rule of thumb.
super + Q
From the development of Qtile we have learned to use the keyboard shortcut super + q to close a window.
We were so used to this shortcut that we have implemented it also in :
xfce, openbox, i3, awesome, bspwm, qtile, xmonad.
general improvements
- variety configuration update
- calamares has been updated to version 3.2.7
how to stay rolling
what changed in 19.5
How to stay rolling
We have dedicated an article to this particular topic since it is probably FAQ number 1.
Full package list
The full package list of the latest isos can always be found on github at this address :
ArcoLinux : https://github.com/arcolinux/arcolinux-iso/blob/master/archiso/packages.x86_64
ArcoLinuxD : https://github.com/arcolinux/arcolinuxd-iso/blob/master/archiso/packages.x86_64
More detailed information can be found in the beta links in the arcolinux.info menu
and of course in the commits
On github.