ArcoLinux Beta 24.01


EFI partition bigger

Running out of EFI space should be avoided.

We move from 300MB to 1000MB. This happened on a systemd-boot related system.
It is the first time we see this. This never happened on GRUB.

less kernels is better – for now

We have removed the Xanmod kernels as we see a warning and an erro with the current mkinitcpio update.

We have created an ArcoLinuxS-Rt and ArcoLinuxS-Rt-Lts.

They have proven to be unstable. Kernel panics at bootup. They will not be released.

That means no ArcoLinuxS-Xanmod iso till we see improvement.

As extra we have a new iso based on the hardened kernel: ArcoLinuxS-Hardened.

You can still experiment with the kernels after installation with a pacman command:

sudo pacman -S linux-rt linux-rt-headers

If it is stable and functional on your hardware you are welcome to use it.


Adding Systemd-boot to the ArcoLinux project

You can choose to boot in either GRUB (default) or in SYSTEMD-BOOT after the installation.

You choose before launching Calamares.


Extra calamares choices

We have added the following packages to the netmodules of Calamares:

  • amberol
  • edid-decode-git
  • fastfetch-git
  • fastfetch
  • nomacs-qt6-git
  • protontricks-git
  • protontricks
  • pulsar-bin
  • signal-desktop-beta-bin
  • simplescreenrecorder-git
  • steamtinkerlaunch
  • topgrade-bin
  • topgrade-git
  • tty-clock-git
  • nomacs-git

Create your own nemesis-repo

Learn how to script and take control of your Operating System.

ATT on Mabox

We can use the ArchLinux Tweak Tool on a Mabox Linux system based on Manjaro.

Surfn Numixs

We created a new icon theme and explained how you can do that in 15 minutes.

Surfn Numixs Blue

We created a new icon theme. It is a blue variant on the icon theme from Numix.

Compare your packages between computers

Sometime we want to compare why something works on one computer and does not work on the other.
Start with comparing packages and use ATT for it.

Creation of ArcoLinuxS RT and RT-LTS

We definitely want a dark Pamac so we keep using this particular package to ensure that we can change our themes ‘the old way’ – read the easy way.


We have added the following packages to Sofirem:

  • amberol
  • edid-decode-git
  • fastfetch-git
  • fastfetch
  • nomacs-qt6-git
  • protontricks-git
  • protontricks
  • pulsar-bin
  • signal-desktop-beta-bin
  • simplescreenrecorder-git
  • steamtinkerlaunch
  • topgrade-bin
  • topgrade-git
  • tty-clock-git
  • nomacs-git

Pamac is back

 All isos have Pamac-aur.

We have stopped building the arcolinux-pamac-all package. It was created because pamac-aur was not working anymore at some point in time. Pamac-aur only supports AUR. No flatpak and snap packages.

You can still install Octopi if you want that.

Change if you like/want.

 First update your system.


You can remove arcolinux-pamac-all with this command.

sudo pacman -Rs arcolinux-pamac-all

And install pamac-aur with this command

sudo pacman -S pamac-aur

You can install octopi with this command.

sudo pacman -S octopi octopi-notifier-qt5

You can remove octopi with this command.

sudo pacman -R octopi octopi-notifier-qt5

pamac-aur and arcolinux-pamac-all will conflict

so choose

arcolinux-pamac-all will not be updated anymore