DK – a new tiling window manager
DK is a Tiling Window Manager.
Written by Nate Maia – https://bitbucket.org/natemaia/dk/src/master/
It is still very much in beta stage but coming to you this year as
- ArcoLinuxD scripts
- ArcoLinuxB iso
- ArchLinux Tweak Tool or ATT
A list based tiling window manager in the vein of dwm, bspwm, and xmonad.
Some basics:
- Fully scriptable.
- Dynamic workspaces.
- More dynamic tile layout.
- Gaps, fancy borders, extra layouts and more.
- Better support for mouse and floating windows.
- Startup script for configuration and running programs.
- Status info is output to a file for use in bars or scripts.
- No built-in extras (bar, font drawing, or key bindings).
- Sane support for icccm, ewmh, and motif.

arcolinux-pamac-all update
The new Pamac release from Manjaro is following the theme of Gnome. Hence we got a white Pamac as you can see underneath.
We waited for a few weeks to see if there would be a dark theme for the app.
We decided not to wait any longer and change the /etc/environment file to have a dark Pamac.
New alias available to quickly edit /etc/environment.
alias nenvironment=’sudo nano /etc/environment’