Full installation and configuration of ArcoLinuxB Hyprland in 4K
Hyprland tutorials
Many Hyprland tutorials have been created and are available in a playlist on Youtube.
Sway tutorials
Many Sway tutorials have been created and are available in a playlist on Youtube.
New aliases
alias spqo='sudo pacman -Qo'
alias spsii='sudo pacman -Sii'
# show the list of packages that need this package - depends mpv as example
function_depends() {
search=$(echo "$1")
sudo pacman -Sii $search | grep "Required" | sed -e "s/Required By : //g" | sed -e "s/ /\n/g"
}alias depends='function_depends'
Putting your important files and folders on github – push to github with ssh keys
We used to be able to push to github with our password of the github account via command line interface (CLI).
Now we need to connect to github with a ssh key to be able to push.
In this video we try to find the correct info online to be able to push to github via CLI.
How to install ArcoLinuxB plasma – tips and tricks
I have added a lot of info about ArcoLinux into this installation video of ArcoLinuxB Plasma
– Beginners better start with ArcoLinuxL or ArcoLinuxB Plasma
– Do not mix desktops (Calamares gives you this choice) and later ATT gives you this choice
– Settings of my current VirtualBox setup
– Download isos or build isos on ArcoLinux
– Choice of BIOS/UEFI in VirtualBox
– 5 choices to boot up
– structure of the websites
– learning is done in phases and over different websites
– install the easy way at first
– choosing partitions
– gparted if you want to start with a clean slate
– SSD-bay to avoid dual boots with windows
New qtile theme from Distrotube and RonitGandhi
Thanks to the work of both authors we now have a new theme for qtile.
ArcoLinux-Nemesis scripts got a major update
Zsh and Chadwm/Hyrpland/Sway
When we switched our shell from Bash to Zsh we were not able to login and came back to the sddm login screen.
It was never the fault of the packages nor the config of Zsh but the way these desktops are started.
Now you can use Zsh and Chadwm, Sway and Hyprland.
Archiso update
Archiso 69-1 has been implemented in ArcoLinux.
Extra line to test your RAM in UEFI.