ArcoLinux Beta 23.01


Calamares and wayland

We only started with Wayland (Hyprland and Sway) since the beginning of December.

Let us see how wayland applications and configurations may influence other desktops.

Mixing desktops is always a challenge but mixing Xorg and Wayland even more so.

ArcoLinuxL and ArcoLinuxD will have an extra netmodule for Wayland desktops.


You will only see this netmodule

IF you have selected line 1 or 2 in your bios/uefi bootup sequence.

There can be NO nvidia driver present.

You can not install Hyprland or Sway on a virtual machine.


Calamares – G4music was added

G4music has been added to the repos and to the Calamares installation list.

How to make bare ArcoLinuxB isos

We give you the knowledge to make your own iso.

A bare iso if you want it like that.

How to create two new ArcoLinuxB i3wm isos

Since we created two new themes for I3wm you can also build these two isos.

Just a matter of knowledge.



We host a new icon theme for Plasma.

It is on the arcolinux-nemesis repo and can be installed with:

sudo pacman -S surfn-plasma-flow-git

New desktop Hyprland

Hyprland is our first desktop that we could actually install with Wayland.

Gradually these desktops will get better.

Virtualbox and Nvidia drivers spoil the fun.

Installation on real metal only. No nvidia drivers should be present.

New desktop SWAY

After Hyprland we tackled the Sway desktop.

Installation on real metal only. No nvidia drivers should be present.

Wayland – new aliases

New aliases have been created for Wayland

  • xdw
  • wsimplescreenrecorder

New server in Sweden

ArcoLinux is grateful that our packages/isos are being hosted at:

Qemu-guest-agent service

Arch Linux decided to add the qemu service to the Archiso package. ArcoLinux followed this approach.

Since then an ‘error‘ shows up if you are not on Qemu. As a result our users are worried and confused.

All packages for qemu are still on the iso. If you are working with qemu, activate the service manually.

sudo systemctl enable --now qemu-guest-agent