ArcoLinux Beta 22.11


ArcoLinuxS Zen

We created a new iso with the linux-zen kernel.

It is based on the ArcoLinuxS iso. The only thing that differs is the kernel.

Any old iso out there will give you the possibility to install the Xanmod kernel IF you have internet

ArcoLinuxS Xanmod

We created a new iso with the linux-xanmod kernel.

It is based on the ArcoLinuxS iso. The only thing that differs is the kernel.

Any old iso out there will give you the possibility to install the Xanmod kernel IF you have internet

Archiso + termite

Archiso 67 was applied and termite and termite themes have been removed from all isos.


LEFTWM – new theme Fancy with EWW as bar

We have created a new theme based on a theme from Syudagye on the discord server of Leftwm.

We adapted it to the ArcoLinux ecosystem.

This theme is NOT using polybar but eww