Samba – user can share folder with right mouse click
Samba is a way to share folders (and its content) between computers in your own network.
Samba can be quite technical to set up. Not on ArcoLinux.
In ArcoLinux or Arch Linux we run several scripts to ensure that Samba simply works.
The package arcolinux-bin-git provides you the scripts in ~/.bin/main.
140 to install Samba
150 to install network discovery
install-samba-user-shares for ease of use – right mouse click on folder and share
right mouse click and share
VirtualBox support to share a folder between host and guest
We have added a script to easily and quickly share a folder between the host computer and the guest computer.
We have created an alias for it
vbm – this alias stands for virtual box mount
It will launch a script called arcolinux-vbox-share.
Only to be used in a virtual box.
Host computer
On the host computer you need to go into the virtual machine settings to be able to share a folder and to AUTOMOUNT it.
guest computer
When you have booted up in VirtualBox there are just two things to remember.
1. Type this in the terminal
2. Log out and log back in
If you have set the folder to automount it will be present in the filemanager.
Fun script – alpha
Fixing bluetooth icon not appearing in systembar
Blueberry is just working fine. But there was an update that sets a new developement as standard. Use symbolic icons is set as standard.
These icons are black and since we use often a black toolbaar, you do not see the icon in that case.
We can only use the dconf-editor to change the setting. Tell blueberry NOT to use symbolic icons.
JWM tutorial created
One long comprehensive tutorial about JWM.
SDDM theme for ArcoLinux
This great looking theme is based on the work of fralonra, which in turn is based on the work of Match-Yang.
We change the elements to our liking.
Time for a new default wallpaper
ArcoLinuxB isos
In the transition from slimlock/oblogout to ArcoLinux Logout we kept the old configs in our TWMs and others.
They have now been deleted
We have also removed the double use of the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + W. It should only start ArcoLinux Welcome on Awesome, Bspwm, Herbstluftwm, Jwm, Qtile and Xmonad.
ArcoLinux Welcome
One extra warning for the application midori. It will always conflict with zeitgeist – catfish.
ArcoLinux Logout
On Xfce the session would be saved if you logout. One more switch added so the current session is NOT saved.
Xfce hide application in menu
We have hidden hardware locality lstopo from the Xfce menu with arcolinux-local-applications-git.
ArcoLinux, Sardi and Surfn updates
Building a new iso to include the latest changes.
qt5-styleplugins no longer on any of our isos
Calamares config
We removed the following packages from Calamares.
- pinta
- adapta-kde (orphaned)
They have moved from Arch to AUR or have been orphaned.
ArcoLinux Grub Vimix theme
Using the latest code from the developer, adding wallpapers and changing the settings to our preference.
Multiple boots can always be done. ArcoLinux, ArcoLinuxD and ArcoLinuxB on one ssd.
ArcoLinux Tweak Tool
Deepin’s new release is considerably different.
There are no longer any conflicting packages with the other 15 desktops.
Text changed to reflect that.
2 new aliases can be used in order to remove lock files.
One for pacman and one for ArcoLinux Logout.
We type rm and press twice on TAB.
alias rmlogoutlock='sudo rm /tmp/arcologout.lock'
alias rmpacmanlock='sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck'
ArcoLinux Logout on dual screen – i3
After updates we see that ArcoLinux Logout crashes if you have a dual screen. We will resolve the issue. But in the meantime it is a good idea to have a backup to lock, logout, suspend, shutdown or restart i3wm.
We have put the code back from a few months with this keyboard shortcut
We have updated arcolinux-logout. It will behave differently and will follow the rules of each desktop.
For example in qtile with dual screens the icons will be in the middle of the two screens.
Xmonad’s config changed to ensure that arcolinux-logout is not floating anymore. Update and skel to get the new config.
More packages on ArcoLinux iso
We have added hunspell-en_US and hyphen-en to the package list. The applications hunspell and hyphen were already present.
ArcoLinuxB Lxqt
We use only one package on all our isos : arcolinux-kvantum-git. We stop using arcolinux-kvantum-lxqt-git.
This follows the rule to downsize the number of packages if possible.
ArcoLinuxB – oblogout and slim out
None of our ArcoLinuxB isos now have the packages onboard. Last month we made the switch to ArcoLinux Logout.
Deepin feels like it is still in beta. We see this in some details like setting the theme (not possible yet). But it improves after every update.
At the moment it lacks some finishing touches.
We have rewritten our three configs for the new Deepin.
We stay much closer to the original Arch Linux look.
We have tweaked the drop down terminal, we have our keyboard shortcuts and we have a new wallpaper.
No more galculater config. No more htop config. No more nomacs config. No sound effects.
There were issues with setting the wallpaper in the past. That seems to be solved with the latest updates.
Use alle cores during building and compressing
All ArcoLinux isos take care of this during installation.
If you are on Arch Linux, you can download arcolinux-bin-git and use our script.
The script ~/.bin/main/000-use-all-cores-makepkg-conf-v5.sh ensures you use the full potential of your computer.
Pamac-aur not showing icons
We have waited a long time for the fix to come from Arch Linux.
The script, that will show icons in your pamac-aur, is in~/.bin/stay-rolling/2020/20.05-to-20.06/fix-pamac-aur-no-icons.sh
Use all cores + zst
Script has been updated. /etc/makepkg is changed in order to use all cores available from building and compressing packages.
Standard package extension is zst and not xz.
Calamares – browsers
We added more browsers to the Calamares installer. We discovered a few new browsers while creating Carli 6.
Image from Carli project
We will add
- midori
- min
- netsurf
- torbrowser-launcher
We have added arc-gtk-theme to the packages where necessary.
We have changed the skel command. It will now make a back-up of your .config.
Carli 6
The Carli project continues with big leaps.
10 more articles with 13 youtube videos to boost your knowledge.
We have created the following desktops:
- Plasma
- Cinnamon
- Mate
- Xfce4
- Gnome
We have learned to build in a chroot environment and learned to work with a variety of modules from Calamares.
Image below is the netinstall module from Calamares. We use as well the shellprocess module.
Archiso has received an update and we made videos about it.
You can bingewatch all the steps we take to develop Carli via the playlist on Youtube
ArcoLinux update mirrors
Most of of our packages come from Arch Linux. There are many Arch Linux servers around the globe but which of those servers are the fastest.
We have aliases like mirror, mirrors, mirrord and mirrora. But you have to remember to type it in manually.
Then we created a cron job that will update the Arch Linux mirrors sometime during the day. That is still in place.
As a response to the users, who wanted the fastest server during installation, we created a service.
Both packages arcolinux-system-config-git or arcolinuxd-system-config-git will update your /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist during boot time. It does not matter if it is a live usb or an ssd.
This service was working just fine on many computers. However some users have reported an error in the update-mirror.service.
We believe it can be due to a slow communication between computer and router in the users network.
We have changed the service to wait till your computer is online.
When you have NO internet connection at boot time, you will see the error when you shut down. The application reflector tries to connect to the internet and fails. Hence the error message. Once you have set up your wireless connection, reflector can get the fastest servers and no error message will be displayed when you shut down.
Removed from iso
We have removed the following package from the isos
- aurvote-git (orphaned – no github updates in years)
Archiso is the package we use to build our isos.
When there is a new package from Arch Linux all scripts need to be checked.
We have removed the following package from the isos
- libatomic_ops
ArcoLinux Logout
We have removed the following packages from the iso
- arcolinux-oblogout
- arcolinux-oblogout-themes-git
- arcolinux-slim
- arcolinux-slimlock-themes-git
We are using Calamares 3.2.24. More info can be found here.
We are hoping that we do not see the umount error anymore at the end of the installation.
Knowing full well that the installation was successful and that the message is bogus.
Config of Calamares had to be changed.
kdeadmin-meta and kdebase-meta do not exist anymore – kde-system-meta is the new package that replaces both.
As a result we had to update ArcoLinux Tweak Tool