ArcoLinux Tweak Tool
When you use the ArcoLinuxD iso and you did not select arcolinux-termite-themes-git during Calamares installation, you will end up with a termite that is not transparent and has a light gray background.
If that is the case the ArcoLinux Tweak Tool will assist you to install our themes with the click of a button.
You will have our ArcoLinux theme and a transparent background.
It will also assist you when you are on Arch Linux.
ArcoLinux Welcome
Extra warning for ArcoLinux Tweak Tool.
If you want to install the Budgie desktop make sure you uninstall catfish as it will conflict with zeitgeist and Budgie will not be installed.
sudo pacman -R catfish
Autotiling for i3
We have added the following package to the ArcoLinux iso (Xfce, Openbox and i3) autiling. It will tile the windows in a smarter way. Now you will have quarters of a screen or one eight of a screen without extra keyboard shortcuts. Great tip from gr33n on Discord.
The stay rolling users install it via
sudo pacman -S autotiling
ArcoLinux ISO
We have removed the following packages from the ArcoLinux iso (Xfce, Openbox and i3)
- arcolinux-oblogout
- arcolinux-oblogout-themes
- arcolinux-slim
- arcolinux-slim-themes
We will update the ArcoLinuxB isos next month. A script is present in ~/.bin/stay-rolling to remove them now.
ArcoLinux BetterLockScreen
ArcoLinux Betterlockscreen has a default button to go back to the default path in /usr/share/backgrounds/arcolinux.
ArcoLinux Logout
ArcoLinux Logout has a different format of clock.
If you want these settings, you will have to delete the ~/config/arcologout folder.
Fun script: monster
ArcoLinuxB LXQT
Lxqt will use arcolinux-logout on the keyboard shortcuts Super + X, CTRL + ALT + K and CTRL + ALT + L
Xscreensaver is moved to SUPER + K and SUPER + L
ArcoLinuxB isos
The folowing packages have been removed from all ArcoLinuxB isos
- dmidecode
- lshw
to get the fastest Arch Linux servers on iso and on harddisk
During the Calamares installation we will make sure you have the fastest Arch Linux.
The objective is to get fast downloads during installation. ArcoLinuxD is basically a netinstaller. The other isos will also benefit.
Every time you reboot your computer it will automatically refresh the mirrorlist in the background.
The more you select to install, the longer it will take. That goes without saying.
New Glava config package
Glava makes it possible to visualize music on top of your desktop with bars , circles, waves etc.
We created this config package for it. So use skel to get the config in your home directory.
sudo pacman -S arcolinux-glava-config-git
Type glava in the terminal to launch it.
Depending on the desktop you are on it will show in a window or in bars on your desktop IF you play some music. Turn the volume up.
ArcoLinux Tweak Tool – Zsh
Work in progress – we are working on an easy way to set your zshrc to a specific theme from oh-my-zsh or we choose to set it to random themes.
This is the jonathan theme.
The Zsh tab will show up IF you are on zsh.
We have 2 aliases to switch our shell.
to bash
Switch from oblogout and slimlock to arcolinux-logout
The inability to build oblogout a few weeks back, due to pygtk dependency we were not able to fulfill, made us dream about our own solution to be able to logout, lock, reboot, suspend, hibernate and shutdown.
Brad took it upon himself to write arcolinux-logout.
We will use this already on the following desktops:
- awesome
- bspwm
- jwm
- i3wm
- herbstlufwm
- openbox
- qtile
- xfce
- xmonad
The app is in full development. The packages of all these desktops are still in test repo. We will communicate about it after the launch when everything is ready to make the switch.
You will need the new app arcolinux-logout-git.
You will be able to change transparency, change color of icons, change lock screen and much more. That is for a later article.
Because of this switch we are adapting our desktops to follow. Some of the keyboard shortcuts had to go. Now we have a more uniform coding over 16 desktops.
Qtile update to 0.15.0-1
The new version of Qtile made our Qtile desktop crash. Thanks to Marco it was fixed in the same day.
Warnings and communication usually go out on the two main social media
- discord
It is important to join us there and avoid frustrations.
Lxqt tutorials
We have written 8 LXQt articles on arcolinuxd.com.
Following topics were covered:
- how to theme LXQt
- changing the look of the panel
- changing desktop preferences
- how to autostart applications
- how to set our dualscreen
- adding compton to LXQt
- using conkies
Calamares 3.2.22
Calamares is our graphical installer. We use now version 3.2.22. You can read more about this version on the github of Calamares.
We are trying out an extra safety measure in order to avoid the umount error that occurs sometimes at the end of our installation.
We have also more support for Japanese language. We rebuild ArcoLinux and ArcoLinuxD to have Japanese support on Calamares.
Branding is brought to a minimal. Images for all the desktops have been deleted.
Arcolinuxb LXQt
Only LXQt will have the new Calamares installer that released on 08/04/2020. A few hours ago in my perspective.
After creating many tutorials for LXQt on arcolinuxd.com I saw opportunities to improve this desktop even more.
Compton has changed to Picom and all files have been changed accordingly.
The following keyboard shortcuts have been added:
- music keyboard keys – stop, previous, play-pause, next
- Ctrl + Alt + m – configuration of LXQt
- Super + P – screen display
Removed screengrab and lximage-qt and replaced them with xfce4-screenshooter, gnome-screenshot and nomacs. They proved to be better screenshot tools.