Come and meet a new desktop – WAYFIRE
Wayfire is a desktop based on Wayland. You can install it on intel/amd and nvidia alike.
It is quit responsive and has a lot of fancy effects. Even on the older machines it performs very fast.
Install it on real metal and NOT on any virtual machine.
A list of videos has been created to guide you into Wayfire.
Installation of ArcoLinux – grub or systemd-boot
How to install ArcoLinuxL, ArcoLinuxS AND all the ArcoLinuxB isos
Before you start Calamares you choose how you would like to boot up your system using either
- grub (default) or
- systemd-boot.
Then you launch the Calamares installer either offline or online.
How to install ArcoLinuxD Advanced installation
Before you start Calamares you choose how you would like to boot up your system using either
- grub (default) or
- systemd-boot.
Then you launch the Calamares advanced installer.
You choose on the spot what applications you like to install EXTRA.
How to install ArcoLinuxD Base installation
Before you start Calamares you choose how you would like to boot up your system using either
- grub (default) or
- systemd-boot.
Then you launch the Calamares installer from the Base installation button.
After rebooting you end up in a black screen and then you either type commands or run your own scripts to build up your OS.
Try building your own personal iso with the packages you like
We have given you the power to build our isos.
- add packages you like
- remove packages you do not like
- add configs you want
- so much is possible
Sit down and listen how easy it is to take control and have your personalized iso.
Create your own nemesis-repo
Learn how to script and take control of your Operating System.
Kernel issues
less kernels is better – for now
We have removed the Xanmod kernels as we see a warning and an error with the current mkinitcpio update.
We have created an ArcoLinuxS-Rt and ArcoLinuxS-Rt-Lts.
They have proven to be unstable. Kernel panics at bootup. They will not be released.
That means no ArcoLinuxS-Xanmod iso till we see improvement.
As extra we have a new iso based on the hardened kernel: ArcoLinuxS-Hardened.
You can still experiment with the kernels after installation with a pacman command:
sudo pacman -S linux-rt linux-rt-headers
If it is stable and functional on your hardware you are welcome to use it.
Extra calamares choices
We have added the following packages to the netmodules of Calamares:
- amberol
- edid-decode-git
- fastfetch-git
- fastfetch
- nomacs-qt6-git
- protontricks-git
- protontricks
- pulsar-bin
- signal-desktop-beta-bin
- simplescreenrecorder-git
- steamtinkerlaunch
- topgrade-bin
- topgrade-git
- tty-clock-git
- nomacs-git
We have changed the core application of Hyprland.
Hyprland-dev will not be maintained nor built anymore – we move to the packages on the AUR – hyprland-git.
Hyprland-git gives us immediate and better support for Nvidia cards. It will be built on a daily basis.
If you want to stay rolling, you will need to install the new app.
sudo pacman -S hyprland-git
There is also a new release of ArcoLinuxB Hyprland because of this change.
two alternative waybar configs have been added
We were visiting Linux Mint for the Sardi and Surfn icons and I missed Chadwm.
Installing Chadwm on Linux Mint was always possible but the ArchLinux Logout application is not on Debian.
We created an alternative way to logout, shutdown etcetera with Rofi.
new aliases to remember
toboot – switching to systemd-boot
togrub – switching to grub
kernel and kernels – showing what kernels you have installed
nloader – edit the sytemd-boot loader.conf file
boot – showing you again if you choose grub or systemd-boot
create your own aliases
It is fun to create new aliases or overwrite the content of our aliases.
Just remember to put them in ~/.bashrc-personal
ATT on Mabox
We can use the ArchLinux Tweak Tool on a Mabox Linux system based on Manjaro.
Creation of new icon theme: Surfn Numixs
We created a new icon theme and explained how you can do that in 15 minutes.
Creation of new icon theme: Surfn Numixs Blue
We created a new icon theme. It is a blue variant based on the icon theme from Numix.
Compare your packages between computers
Sometimes we want to compare why something works on one computer and does not work on the other.
Start with comparing packages and use ATT for it.
Creation of ArcoLinuxS RT and RT-LTS
We definitely want a dark Pamac so we keep using this particular package to ensure that we can change our themes ‘the old way’ – read the easy way.
We have added the following packages to Sofirem:
- amberol
- edid-decode-git
- fastfetch-git
- fastfetch
- nomacs-qt6-git
- protontricks-git
- protontricks
- pulsar-bin
- signal-desktop-beta-bin
- simplescreenrecorder-git
- steamtinkerlaunch
- topgrade-bin
- topgrade-git
- tty-clock-git
- nomacs-git
Pamac is back
All isos have Pamac-aur.
We have stopped building the arcolinux-pamac-all package. It was created because pamac-aur was not working anymore at some point in time. Pamac-aur only supports AUR. No flatpak and snap packages.
You can still install Octopi if you want that.
Change if you like/want.
First update your system.
You can remove arcolinux-pamac-all with this command.
sudo pacman -Rs arcolinux-pamac-all
And install pamac-aur with this command
sudo pacman -S pamac-aur
You can install octopi with this command.
sudo pacman -S octopi octopi-notifier-qt5
You can remove octopi with this command.
sudo pacman -R octopi octopi-notifier-qt5
pamac-aur and arcolinux-pamac-all will conflict
so you will need to choose
arcolinux-pamac-all will not be updated anymore
beta links in the menu
and of course in the commits
On github.