In our vision to share our knowledge with you we foresee to deliver you an ArchMerge version called
ArchMergeD will still have a graphical installation.
ArchMerge will be stripped down to the bare essence. It is up to you then to install a desktop of your choice
- Xfce
- Openbox
- i3
All these tutorials will be hosted on We will make the steps together.
It will not include
- desktop packages (Xfce, openbox or i3)
- applications like browsers, editors, music players,…
- no sound
- no bluetooth
- no printers
- no file manager
- ..
It will include
- Arch Linux base system
- standard archiso packages
- Xorg packages
- virtualbox packages
- network packages
- ..
Work in progress – so things may be different in a few weeks time.
Delivery : 1st November 2017