Release date 1st January 2018
What is new
One of the more important changes is that we are a 100% rolling release now. Some of you remember the conkyzen.desktop file that had to be deleted to get that 100%.
Type in the terminal “archmerge-” and press TAB to see all packages we created to become rolling.
They will be reusable when we are on the ArchMergeD iso.
Testing REPO
When working on a new panel for i3 i.e. polybar (still in beta phase) we (developers) needed a way to easily test out new setups and applications. We created a new testing repo that you can also use. Remember it is called TESTING for a reason. No articles, help and/or tutorials available on those applications. You can find the information in your
in version 6.3.
Previous versions need to add these lines to their pacman.conf
[archmergelinux_repo_testing] SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional Server =$arch
Installed and REMOVED
We will install the following software on ArchMerge 6.3.
- Atom
- Snapd
- Awesome terminal fonts
- vivaldi-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-bin
- gtop
- timeshift
We will remove the following software on ArchMerge 6.3.
- xfce-slimlock
- pacaur
- vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs
General improvements
- Variety configuration has been redited solving an issue reported on forum. Variety will keep the current wallpaper when changing desktop environment.