End August 2017 there has been a management change in ArchLabs.
Three members of ArchLabs started a new distribution called ArchMerge.
ArchMerge will keep true to the original ArchLabs vision to provide a full-fledged desktop environment providing as much theming as possible. We worry less about the iso size and more about missing icons, missing applications and missing themes etc…
There is no collaboration between ArchMerge and ArchLabs.
They each follow their own path.
This change provides us with an opportunity to improve the distro.
ArchMerge stands for:
No fuss after an installation, just fun.
You have the option to just have fun in tweaking the system and enjoy its features and sheer speed or you can jump into our development plan and start learning about linux. It is entirely up to you.
XFCE4 has been added to Openbox and i3. ArchLabbers will surely know we used many XFCE4 applications already. Why not provide the complete XFCE4 desktop experience?
Adding XFCE4 will give window users the opportunity to get acquainted with linux. Afterwards they can get to know Openbox, which feels and works completely different as a desktop and last but not least you can get to know i3, which again is a completely different way of working.
They all have in common that they are very fast and are minimal in cpu and ram usage.
Learning about XFCE4, openbox and i3
is an exciting roadmap to master linux.
You can easily switch desktop environments but you can keep all your settings of the various applications in the meantime.
You will get support through many youtube tutorials.
ArchMerge will be a rolling release based on Arch Linux.
ArchMerge will be a 64 bits release.
ArchMerge will get a graphical installer. Easy to install. No technical expertise required.
ArchMerge is highly themeable. We will have many themes, cursors, icons, wallpapers on board after installation. You just choose which one you like.
Installing extra software or uninstalling software is supereasy.
A forum is created to help you further.
Get your download from the download link.
Join us on the various social media channels.